Source code for guibot.finder

# Copyright 2013-2018 Intranet AG and contributors
# guibot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# guibot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Computer vision finders (CV backends) to perform find targets on screen.



import os
import sys
import re
import copy
import random
import configparser as config
import PIL.Image

from .config import GlobalConfig, LocalConfig
from .imagelogger import ImageLogger
from .fileresolver import FileResolver
from .errors import *

import logging
log = logging.getLogger('guibot.finder')

__all__ = ['CVParameter', 'Finder', 'AutoPyFinder', 'ContourFinder', 'TemplateFinder',
           'FeatureFinder', 'CascadeFinder', 'TextFinder', 'TemplateFeatureFinder',
           'DeepFinder', 'HybridFinder']

[docs]class CVParameter(object): """A class for a single parameter used for CV backend configuration."""
[docs] def __init__(self, value, min_val=None, max_val=None, delta=10.0, tolerance=1.0, fixed=True, enumerated=False): """ Build a computer vision parameter. :param value: value of the parameter :type value: bool or int or float or str or None :param min_val: lower boundary for the parameter range :type min_val: int or float or None :param max_val: upper boundary for the parameter range :type max_val: int or float or None :param float delta: delta for the calibration and random value (no calibration if `delta` < `tolerance`) :param float tolerance: tolerance of calibration :param bool fixed: whether the parameter is prevented from calibration :param bool enumerated: whether the parameter value belongs to an enumeration or to a range (distance matters) As a rule of thumb a good choice for the parameter delta is one fourth of the range since the delta will be used as standard deviation when generating a random value for the parameter from a normal distribution. The delta to tolerance ratio is basically the number of failing trials before the parameter converges and is usually set to ten. """ self.value = value # initial (delta) and minimal (tolerance) variation step = delta self.tolerance = tolerance # variation allowance range self.min_val = min_val if min_val is not None: assert value >= min_val elif isinstance(self.value, float): min_val = -sys.float_info.max elif isinstance(self.value, int): min_val = -sys.maxsize self.max_val = max_val if max_val is not None: assert value <= max_val elif isinstance(self.value, float): max_val = sys.float_info.max elif isinstance(self.value, int): max_val = sys.maxsize self.range = (min_val, max_val) # fixed or allowed to be calibrated self.fixed = fixed # enumerable (e.g. modes) or range value self.enumerated = enumerated if self.enumerated and (self.min_val is None or self.max_val is None): raise ValueError("Enumerated parameters must have a finite (usually small) range")
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Provide a representation of the parameter for storing and reporting. :returns: special syntax representation of the parameter :rtype: str """ return ("<value='%s' min='%s' max='%s' delta='%s' tolerance='%s' fixed='%s' enumerated='%s'>" % (self.value, self.min_val, self.max_val,, self.tolerance, self.fixed, self.enumerated))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Custom implementation for equality check. :returns: whether this instance is equal to another :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(other, CVParameter): return NotImplemented return repr(self) == repr(other)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(raw): """ Parse a CV parameter from string. :param str raw: string representation for the parameter :returns: parameter parsed from the representation :rtype: :py:class:`CVParameter` :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` if unsupported type is encountered """ args = [] string_args = re.match(r"<value='(.+)' min='(-?[\d.None]+)' max='([\d.None]+)'" r" delta='([\d.]+)' tolerance='([\d.]+)' fixed='(\w+)' enumerated='(\w+)'>", raw).group(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) for arg in string_args: if arg == "None": arg = None elif arg == "True": arg = True elif arg == "False": arg = False elif re.match(r"-?\d+$", arg): arg = int(arg) elif re.match(r"-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$", arg): arg = float(arg) else: arg = str(arg) log.log(9, "%s %s", arg, type(arg)) args.append(arg) log.log(9, "%s", args) return CVParameter(*args)
[docs] def random_value(self, mu=None, sigma=None): """ Return a random value of the CV parameter given its range and type. :param mu: mean for a normal distribution, uniform distribution if None :type mu: bool or int or float or str or None :param sigma: standard deviation for a normal distribution, quarter range if None (maximal range is equivalent to maximal data type values) :type sigma: bool or int or float or str or None :returns: a random value comforming to the CV parameter range and type :rtype: bool or int or float or str or None .. note:: Only uniform distribution is used for boolean values. """ start, end = self.range[0], self.range[1] if isinstance(self.value, float): if mu is None or self.enumerated: return random.uniform(self.range[0], self.range[1]) elif sigma is None: return min(max(random.gauss(mu, (start-end)/4), start), end) else: return min(max(random.gauss(mu, sigma), start), end) elif isinstance(self.value, int): if mu is None or self.enumerated: return random.randint(start, end) elif sigma is None: return min(max(int(random.gauss(mu, (start-end)/4)), start), end) else: return min(max(int(random.gauss(mu, sigma)), start), end) elif isinstance(self.value, bool): value = random.randint(0, 1) return value == 1 else: log.warning("Cannot generate random value for CV parameters other than float, int, and bool") return self.value
[docs]class Finder(LocalConfig): """ Base for all image matching functionality and backends. The image finding methods include finding one or all matches above the similarity defined in the configuration of each backend. There are many parameters that could contribute for a good match. They can all be manually adjusted or automatically calibrated. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_match_file(filename): """ Read the configuration from a match file with the given filename. :param str filename: match filename for the configuration :returns: target finder with the parsed (and generated) settings :rtype: :py:class:`finder.Finder` :raises: :py:class:`IOError` if the respective match file couldn't be read The influence of the read configuration is that of an overwrite, i.e. all parameters will be generated (if not already present) and then the ones read from the configuration file will be overwritten. """ parser = config.RawConfigParser() # preserve case sensitivity parser.optionxform = str if not filename.endswith(".match"): filename += ".match" if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = FileResolver().search(filename) success = # if no file is found throw an exception if len(success) == 0: raise IOError("Match file %s is corrupted and cannot be read" % filename) if not parser.has_section("find"): raise IOError("No image matching configuration can be found") try: backend_name = parser.get("find", 'backend') except config.NoOptionError: backend_name = GlobalConfig.find_backend if backend_name == "autopy": finder = AutoPyFinder(synchronize=False) elif backend_name == "contour": finder = ContourFinder(synchronize=False) elif backend_name == "template": finder = TemplateFinder(synchronize=False) elif backend_name == "feature": finder = FeatureFinder(synchronize=False) elif backend_name == "cascade": finder = CascadeFinder(synchronize=False) elif backend_name == "text": finder = TextFinder(synchronize=False) elif backend_name == "tempfeat": finder = TemplateFeatureFinder(synchronize=False) elif backend_name == "deep": finder = DeepFinder(synchronize=False) elif backend_name == "hybrid": finder = HybridFinder(synchronize=False) else: raise UnsupportedBackendError("No '%s' backend is supported" % backend_name) for category in finder.params.keys(): if parser.has_section(category): section_backend = parser.get(category, 'backend') if section_backend != finder.params[category]["backend"]: finder.configure_backend(backend=section_backend, category=category, reset=False) for option in parser.options(category): if option == "backend": continue param_string = parser.get(category, option) if isinstance(finder.params[category][option], CVParameter): param = CVParameter.from_string(param_string) log.log(9, "%s %s", param_string, param) else: param = param_string finder.params[category][option] = param finder.synchronize() return finder
[docs] @staticmethod def to_match_file(finder, filename): """ Write the configuration to a match file with the given filename. :param finder: match configuration to save :type finder: :py:class:`finder.Finder` :param str filename: match filename for the configuration """ parser = config.RawConfigParser() # preserve case sensitivity parser.optionxform = str sections = finder.params.keys() for section in sections: if not parser.has_section(section): parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, 'backend', finder.params[section]["backend"]) for option in finder.params[section]: log.log(9, "%s %s", section, option) parser.set(section, option, finder.params[section][option]) if not filename.endswith(".match"): filename += ".match" with open(filename, 'w') as configfile: configfile.write("# IMAGE MATCH DATA\n") parser.write(configfile)
[docs] def __init__(self, configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a finder and its CV backend settings.""" super(Finder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) # available and currently fully compatible methods self.categories["find"] = "find_methods" self.algorithms["find_methods"] = ["autopy", "contour", "template", "feature", "cascade", "text", "tempfeat", "deep", "hybrid"] # other attributes self.imglog = ImageLogger() self.imglog.log = self.log # additional preparation (no synchronization available) if configure: self.__configure_backend(reset=True)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="find", reset=False): if category != "find": raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(Finder, self).configure_backend(backend="cv", reset=True) if backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.find_backend if backend not in self.algorithms[self.categories[category]]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend '%s' is not among the supported ones: " "%s" % (backend, self.algorithms[self.categories[category]])) log.log(9, "Setting backend for %s to %s", category, backend) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = backend self.params[category]["similarity"] = CVParameter(0.8, 0.0, 1.0) log.log(9, "%s %s\n", category, self.params[category])
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="find", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
def __synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="find", reset=False): if category != "find": raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(Finder, self).synchronize_backend("cv", reset=True) if backend is not None and self.params[category]["backend"] != backend: raise UninitializedBackendError("Backend '%s' has not been configured yet" % backend) backend = self.params[category]["backend"]
[docs] def synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="find", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__synchronize_backend(backend, category, reset)
[docs] def can_calibrate(self, category, mark): """ Fix the parameters for a given category backend algorithm, i.e. disallow the calibrator to change them. :param bool mark: whether to mark for calibration :param str category: backend category whose parameters are marked :raises: :py:class:`UnsupportedBackendError` if `category` is not among the supported backend categories """ if category not in self.categories.keys(): raise UnsupportedBackendError("Category '%s' not among the " "supported %s" % (category, self.categories.keys())) for key, value in self.params[category].items(): if not isinstance(value, CVParameter): continue # BUG: force fix parameters that have internal bugs if category == "fextract" and key == "bytes": value.fixed = True elif category == "fdetect" and key == "Extended": value.fixed = True elif category == "tdetect" and key in ["input_res_x", "input_res_y"]: value.fixed = True else: value.fixed = not mark log.debug("Setting %s/%s to fixed=%s for calibration", category, key, value.fixed)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Deep copy the current finder and its configuration. :returns: a copy of the current finder with identical configuration :rtype: :py:class:`Finder` """ acopy = type(self)(synchronize=False) for category in self.params.keys(): try: acopy.configure_backend(self.params[category]["backend"], category) except UnsupportedBackendError: # some categories are not configurable pass for category in self.params.keys(): for param in self.params[category].keys(): acopy.params[category][param] = copy.deepcopy(self.params[category][param]) for category in self.params.keys(): try: acopy.synchronize_backend(self.params[category]["backend"], category) except UnsupportedBackendError: # some categories are not synchronizable pass return acopy
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Find all needle targets in a haystack image. :param needle: image, text, pattern, or a list or chain of such to look for :type needle: :py:class:`target.Target` or [:py:class:`target.Target`] :param haystack: image to look in :type haystack: :py:class:`target.Image` :returns: all found matches (one in most use cases) :rtype: [:py:class:`match.Match`] :raises: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` if the base class method is called """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method call - call implementation of this class")
[docs] def log(self, lvl): """ Log images with an arbitrary logging level. :param int lvl: logging level for the message """ # below selected logging level if lvl < self.imglog.logging_level: self.imglog.clear() return # logging is being collected for a specific logtype elif ImageLogger.accumulate_logging: return # no hotmaps to log elif len(self.imglog.hotmaps) == 0: raise MissingHotmapError("No matching was performed in order to be image logged") similarity = self.imglog.similarities[-1] if len(self.imglog.similarities) > 0 else 0.0 name = "imglog%s-3hotmap-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, similarity) self.imglog.dump_hotmap(name, self.imglog.hotmaps[-1]) self.imglog.clear() ImageLogger.step += 1
[docs]class AutoPyFinder(Finder): """Simple matching backend provided by AutoPy."""
[docs] def __init__(self, configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a CV backend using AutoPy.""" super(AutoPyFinder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) # other attributes self._bitmapcache = {} # additional preparation (no synchronization available) if configure: self.__configure_backend(reset=True)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="autopy", reset=False): if category != "autopy": raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(AutoPyFinder, self).configure_backend(backend="autopy", reset=True) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = "none"
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="autopy", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param needle: target iamge to search for :type needle: :py:class:`Image` See base method for details. .. warning:: AutoPy has a bug when finding multiple matches so it will currently only return a single match. """ needle.match_settings = self needle.use_own_settings = True self.imglog.needle = needle self.imglog.haystack = haystack self.imglog.dump_matched_images() # prepare a canvas solely for image logging self.imglog.hotmaps.append(haystack.pil_image.copy()) # class-specific dependencies from autopy import bitmap, screen from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile if needle.filename in self._bitmapcache: autopy_needle = self._bitmapcache[needle.filename] else: # load and cache it # TODO: Use in-memory conversion autopy_needle = self._bitmapcache[needle.filename] = autopy_needle # TODO: Use in-memory conversion with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='guibot', suffix='.png') as f: autopy_screenshot = autopy_tolerance = 1.0 - self.params["find"]["similarity"].value log.debug("Performing autopy template matching with tolerance %s (color)", autopy_tolerance) # TODO: since only the coordinates are available and fuzzy areas of # matches are returned we need to ask autopy team for returning # the matching rates as well coord = autopy_screenshot.find_bitmap(autopy_needle, autopy_tolerance) log.debug("Best acceptable match starting at %s", coord) if coord is not None: coord = (int(coord[0]), int(coord[1])) similarity = self.params["find"]["similarity"].value self.imglog.locations.append(coord) self.imglog.similarities.append(similarity) x, y = coord w, h = needle.width, needle.height dx, dy = needle.center_offset.x, needle.center_offset.y from .match import Match matches = [Match(x, y, w, h, dx, dy, similarity)] from PIL import ImageDraw draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.imglog.hotmaps[-1]) draw.rectangle((x, y, x+w, y+h), outline=(0, 0, 255)) del draw else: matches = [] self.imglog.log(30) return matches
[docs]class ContourFinder(Finder): """ Contour matching backend provided by OpenCV. Essentially, we will find all countours in a binary image, preprocessed with Gaussian blur and adaptive threshold and return the ones with area (size) similar to the searched image. """
[docs] def __init__(self, configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a CV backend using OpenCV's contour matching.""" super(ContourFinder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) # available and currently fully compatible methods self.categories["contour"] = "contour_extractors" self.categories["threshold"] = "threshold_filters" self.algorithms["contour_extractors"] = ("mixed",) self.algorithms["threshold_filters"] = ("normal", "adaptive", "canny") # additional preparation (no synchronization available) if configure: self.__configure(reset=True)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="contour", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ if category not in ["contour", "threshold"]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(ContourFinder, self).configure_backend("contour", reset=True) if category == "contour" and backend is None: backend = "mixed" elif category == "threshold" and backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.contour_threshold_backend if backend not in self.algorithms[self.categories[category]]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend '%s' is not among the supported ones: " "%s" % (backend, self.algorithms[self.categories[category]])) log.log(9, "Setting backend for %s to %s", category, backend) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = backend if category == "contour": # 1 RETR_EXTERNAL, 2 RETR_LIST, 3 RETR_CCOMP, 4 RETR_TREE self.params[category]["retrievalMode"] = CVParameter(2, 1, 4, enumerated=True) # 1 CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, 2 CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, 3 CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1, 4 CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS self.params[category]["approxMethod"] = CVParameter(2, 1, 4, enumerated=True) self.params[category]["minArea"] = CVParameter(0, 0, None, 100.0) # 1 L1 method, 2 L2 method, 3 L3 method self.params[category]["contoursMatch"] = CVParameter(1, 1, 3, enumerated=True) elif category == "threshold": # 1 normal, 2 median, 3 gaussian, 4 none self.params[category]["blurType"] = CVParameter(4, 1, 4, enumerated=True) self.params[category]["blurKernelSize"] = CVParameter(5, 1, None, 100.0) self.params[category]["blurKernelSigma"] = CVParameter(0, 0, None, 100.0) if backend == "normal": # value of the threshold since it is nonadaptive and fixed self.params[category]["thresholdValue"] = CVParameter(122, 0, 255, 50.0) self.params[category]["thresholdMax"] = CVParameter(255, 0, 255, 20.0) # 0 binary, 1 binar_inv, 2 trunc, 3 tozero, 4 tozero_inv, 5 mask, 6 otsu, 7 triangle self.params[category]["thresholdType"] = CVParameter(1, 0, 7, enumerated=True) elif backend == "adaptive": self.params[category]["thresholdMax"] = CVParameter(255, 0, 255, 20.0) # 0 adaptive mean threshold, 1 adaptive gaussian (weighted mean) threshold self.params[category]["adaptiveMethod"] = CVParameter(1, 0, 1, enumerated=True) # 0 normal, 1 inverted self.params[category]["thresholdType"] = CVParameter(1, 0, 1, enumerated=True) # size of the neighborhood to consider to adaptive thresholding self.params[category]["blockSize"] = CVParameter(11, 3, None, 200.0, 2.0) # constant to substract from the (weighted) calculated mean self.params[category]["constant"] = CVParameter(2, -255, 255, 1.0) elif backend == "canny": self.params[category]["threshold1"] = CVParameter(100.0, 0.0, None, 50.0) self.params[category]["threshold2"] = CVParameter(1000.0, 0.0, None, 500.0)
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="contour", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
def __configure(self, threshold_filter=None, reset=True, **kwargs): self.__configure_backend(category="contour", reset=reset) self.__configure_backend(threshold_filter, "threshold")
[docs] def configure(self, threshold_filter=None, reset=True, **kwargs): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param threshold_filter: name of a preselected backend :type threshold_filter: str or None """ self.__configure(threshold_filter, reset)
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param needle: target iamge to search for :type needle: :py:class:`Image` See base method for details. First extract all contours from a binary (boolean, threshold) version of the needle and haystack and then match the needle contours with one or more sets of contours in the haystack image. The number of needle matches depends on the set similarity and can be improved by requiring minimal area for the contours to be considered. """ needle.match_settings = self needle.use_own_settings = True self.imglog.needle = needle self.imglog.haystack = haystack self.imglog.dump_matched_images() # class-specific dependencies import cv2 import numpy orig_needle = numpy.array(needle.pil_image) thresh_needle = self._binarize_image(orig_needle, log=False) countours_needle = thresh_needle.copy() needle_contours = self._extract_contours(countours_needle, log=False) orig_haystack = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) thresh_haystack = self._binarize_image(orig_haystack, log=True) countours_haystack = thresh_haystack.copy() haystack_contours = self._extract_contours(countours_haystack, log=True) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(numpy.array(haystack.pil_image)) distances = numpy.ones((len(haystack_contours), len(needle_contours))) for i, hcontour in enumerate(haystack_contours): if cv2.contourArea(hcontour) < self.params["contour"]["minArea"].value: continue for j, ncontour in enumerate(needle_contours): if cv2.contourArea(ncontour) < self.params["contour"]["minArea"].value: continue distances[i, j] = cv2.matchShapes(hcontour, ncontour, self.params["contour"]["contoursMatch"].value, 0) assert distances[i, j] >= 0.0 from .match import Match matches = [] nx, ny, nw, nh = cv2.boundingRect(numpy.concatenate(needle_contours, axis=0)) while True: matching_haystack_contours = [] matching_haystack_distances = numpy.zeros(len(needle_contours)) for j in range(len(needle_contours)): matching_haystack_distances[j] = numpy.min(distances[:, j]) index = numpy.where(distances[:, j] == matching_haystack_distances[j]) # we don't allow collapsing into the same needle contour, i.e. # the map from the needle to the haystack contours is injective # -> so here we cross the entire row rather than one value in it distances[index[0][0], :] = 1.1 # like this works even for similarity 0.0 matching_haystack_contours.append(haystack_contours[index[0][0]]) average_distance = numpy.average(matching_haystack_distances) required_distance = 1.0 - self.params["find"]["similarity"].value logging.debug("Average distance to next needle shape is %s of max allowed %s", average_distance, required_distance) if average_distance > required_distance: break else: shape = numpy.concatenate(matching_haystack_contours, axis=0) x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(shape) # calculate needle upleft and downright points to return its (0,0) location needle_upleft = (max(int((x-nx)*float(w)/nw), 0), max(int((y-ny)*float(h)/nh), 0)) needle_downright = (min(int(needle_upleft[0]+needle.width*float(w)/nw), haystack.width), min(int(needle_upleft[1]+needle.height*float(h)/nh), haystack.height)) needle_center_offset = (needle.center_offset.x*float(w)/nw, needle.center_offset.y*float(h)/nh) cv2.rectangle(self.imglog.hotmaps[-1], needle_upleft, needle_downright, (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(self.imglog.hotmaps[-1], needle_upleft, needle_downright, (255, 255, 255), 1) # NOTE: to extract the region of interest just do: # roi = thresh_haystack[y:y+h,x:x+w] similarity = 1.0 - average_distance self.imglog.similarities.append(similarity) self.imglog.locations.append(needle_upleft) matches.append(Match(needle_upleft[0], needle_upleft[1], needle_downright[0] - needle_upleft[0], needle_downright[1] - needle_upleft[1], needle_center_offset[0], needle_center_offset[1], similarity)) self.imglog.log(30) return matches
def _binarize_image(self, image, log=False): import cv2 # blur first in order to avoid unwonted edges caused from noise blurSize = self.params["threshold"]["blurKernelSize"].value blurDeviation = self.params["threshold"]["blurKernelSigma"].value gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) if self.params["threshold"]["blurType"].value == 1: blur_image = cv2.blur(gray_image, (blurSize, blurSize)) elif self.params["threshold"]["blurType"].value == 2: blur_image = cv2.medianBlur(gray_image, blurSize) elif self.params["threshold"]["blurType"].value == 3: blur_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray_image, (blurSize, blurSize), blurDeviation) elif self.params["threshold"]["blurType"].value == 4: blur_image = gray_image # second stage: thresholding if self.params["threshold"]["backend"] == "normal": _, thresh_image = cv2.threshold(blur_image, self.params["threshold"]["thresholdValue"].value, self.params["threshold"]["thresholdMax"].value, self.params["threshold"]["thresholdType"].value) elif self.params["threshold"]["backend"] == "adaptive": thresh_image = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(blur_image, self.params["threshold"]["thresholdMax"].value, self.params["threshold"]["adaptiveMethod"].value, self.params["threshold"]["thresholdType"].value, self.params["threshold"]["blockSize"].value, self.params["threshold"]["constant"].value) elif self.params["threshold"]["backend"] == "canny": thresh_image = cv2.Canny(blur_image, self.params["threshold"]["threshold1"].value, self.params["threshold"]["threshold2"].value) if log: self.imglog.hotmaps.append(thresh_image) return thresh_image def _extract_contours(self, countours_image, log=False): import cv2 rargs = cv2.findContours(countours_image, self.params["contour"]["retrievalMode"].value, self.params["contour"]["approxMethod"].value) if len(rargs) == 3: _, contours, hierarchy = rargs else: contours, hierarchy = rargs image_contours = [cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 3, True) for cnt in contours] if log: cv2.drawContours(countours_image, image_contours, -1, (255, 255, 255)) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(countours_image) return image_contours
[docs] def log(self, lvl): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ # below selected logging level if lvl < self.imglog.logging_level: self.imglog.clear() return # logging is being collected for a specific logtype elif ImageLogger.accumulate_logging: return # no hotmaps to log elif len(self.imglog.hotmaps) == 0: raise MissingHotmapError("No matching was performed in order to be image logged") self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-1threshold.png" % self.imglog.printable_step, self.imglog.hotmaps[0]) self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-2contours.png" % self.imglog.printable_step, self.imglog.hotmaps[1]) similarity = self.imglog.similarities[-1] if len(self.imglog.similarities) > 0 else 0.0 self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, similarity), self.imglog.hotmaps[-1]) self.imglog.clear() ImageLogger.step += 1
[docs]class TemplateFinder(Finder): """Template matching backend provided by OpenCV."""
[docs] def __init__(self, configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a CV backend using OpenCV's template matching.""" super(TemplateFinder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) # available and currently fully compatible methods self.categories["template"] = "template_matchers" # we only use the normalized version of "sqdiff", "ccorr", and "ccoeff" self.algorithms["template_matchers"] = ("sqdiff_normed", "ccorr_normed", "ccoeff_normed") # additional preparation (no synchronization available) if configure: self.__configure_backend(reset=True)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="template", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ if category != "template": raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(TemplateFinder, self).configure_backend("template", reset=True) if backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.template_match_backend if backend not in self.algorithms[self.categories[category]]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend '%s' is not among the supported ones: " "%s" % (backend, self.algorithms[self.categories[category]])) log.log(9, "Setting backend for %s to %s", category, backend) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = backend self.params[category]["nocolor"] = CVParameter(False) log.log(9, "%s %s\n", category, self.params[category])
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="template", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param needle: target iamge to search for :type needle: :py:class:`Image` :raises: :py:class:`UnsupportedBackendError` if the choice of template matches is not among the supported ones See base method for details. """ needle.match_settings = self needle.use_own_settings = True self.imglog.needle = needle self.imglog.haystack = haystack self.imglog.dump_matched_images() if self.params["template"]["backend"] not in self.algorithms["template_matchers"]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend '%s' is not among the supported ones: " "%s" % (self.params["template"]["backend"], self.algorithms["template_matchers"])) match_template = self.params["template"]["backend"] no_color = self.params["template"]["nocolor"].value log.debug("Performing %s template matching %s color", match_template, "without" if no_color else "with") result = self._match_template(needle, haystack, no_color, match_template) if result is None: log.warning("OpenCV's template matching returned no result") return [] # switch max and min for sqdiff and sqdiff_normed (to always look for max) if self.params["template"]["backend"] in ("sqdiff_normed"): result = 1.0 - result import cv2 import numpy universal_hotmap = result * 255.0 final_hotmap = numpy.array(self.imglog.haystack.pil_image) if self.params["template"]["nocolor"].value: final_hotmap = cv2.cvtColor(final_hotmap, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) # extract maxima once for each needle size region similarity = self.params["find"]["similarity"].value from .match import Match matches = [] while True: minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(result) # rectify to the [0,1] interval to avoid negative values in some methods maxVal = min(max(maxVal, 0.0), 1.0) log.debug('Next best match with value %s (similarity %s) and location (x,y) %s', str(maxVal), similarity, str(maxLoc)) if maxVal < similarity: if len(matches) == 0: self.imglog.similarities.append(maxVal) self.imglog.locations.append(maxLoc) current_hotmap = numpy.copy(universal_hotmap), (maxLoc[0], maxLoc[1]), int(30*maxVal), (255, 255, 255)) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(current_hotmap) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(final_hotmap) log.debug("Next best match is not acceptable") break else: self.imglog.similarities.append(maxVal) self.imglog.locations.append(maxLoc) current_hotmap = numpy.copy(universal_hotmap), (maxLoc[0], maxLoc[1]), int(30*maxVal), (255, 255, 255)) x, y = maxLoc w, h = needle.width, needle.height dx, dy = needle.center_offset.x, needle.center_offset.y cv2.rectangle(final_hotmap, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(final_hotmap, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255, 255, 255), 1) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(current_hotmap) log.debug("Next best match is acceptable") matches.append(Match(x, y, w, h, dx, dy, maxVal)) if similarity == 0.0: # return just one match if no similarity requirement break res_w = haystack.width - needle.width + 1 res_h = haystack.height - needle.height + 1 match_x0 = max(maxLoc[0] - int(0.5 * needle.width), 0) match_x1 = min(maxLoc[0] + int(0.5 * needle.width), res_w) match_y0 = max(maxLoc[1] - int(0.5 * needle.height), 0) match_y1 = min(maxLoc[1] + int(0.5 * needle.height), res_h) # log this only if performing deep internal debugging log.log(9, "Wipe image matches in x [%s, %s]/[%s, %s]", match_x0, match_x1, 0, res_w) log.log(9, "Wipe image matches in y [%s, %s]/[%s, %s]", match_y0, match_y1, 0, res_h) # clean found image to look for next safe distance match result[match_y0:match_y1, match_x0:match_x1] = 0.0 log.log(9, "Total maxima up to the point are %i", len(matches)) log.debug("A total of %i matches found", len(matches)) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(final_hotmap) self.imglog.log(30) return matches
def _match_template(self, needle, haystack, nocolor, method): """ EXTRA DOCSTRING: Template matching backend - wrapper. Match a color or grayscale needle image using the OpenCV template matching methods. """ # sanity check: needle size must be smaller than haystack if haystack.width < needle.width or haystack.height < needle.height: log.warning("The size of the searched image (%sx%s) does not fit the search region (%sx%s)", needle.width, needle.height, haystack.width, haystack.height) return None import cv2 import numpy methods = {"sqdiff": cv2.TM_SQDIFF, "sqdiff_normed": cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED, "ccorr": cv2.TM_CCORR, "ccorr_normed": cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, "ccoeff": cv2.TM_CCOEFF, "ccoeff_normed": cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED} if method not in methods.keys(): raise UnsupportedBackendError("Supported algorithms are in conflict") numpy_needle = numpy.array(needle.pil_image) numpy_haystack = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) if nocolor: gray_needle = cv2.cvtColor(numpy_needle, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) gray_haystack = cv2.cvtColor(numpy_haystack, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) match = cv2.matchTemplate(gray_haystack, gray_needle, methods[method]) else: match = cv2.matchTemplate(numpy_haystack, numpy_needle, methods[method]) return match
[docs] def log(self, lvl): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ # below selected logging level if lvl < self.imglog.logging_level: self.imglog.clear() return # logging is being collected for a specific logtype elif ImageLogger.accumulate_logging: return # no hotmaps to log elif len(self.imglog.hotmaps) == 0: raise MissingHotmapError("No matching was performed in order to be image logged") for i in range(len(self.imglog.similarities)): name = "imglog%s-3hotmap-%stemplate-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, i + 1, self.imglog.similarities[i]) self.imglog.dump_hotmap(name, self.imglog.hotmaps[i]) similarity = self.imglog.similarities[-1] if len(self.imglog.similarities) > 0 else 0.0 self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, similarity), self.imglog.hotmaps[-1]) self.imglog.clear() ImageLogger.step += 1
[docs]class FeatureFinder(Finder): """ Feature matching backend provided by OpenCV. .. note:: SURF and SIFT are proprietary algorithms and are not available by default in newer OpenCV versions (>3.0). """
[docs] def __init__(self, configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a CV backend using OpenCV's feature matching.""" super(FeatureFinder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) # available and currently fully compatible methods self.categories["feature"] = "feature_projectors" self.categories["fdetect"] = "feature_detectors" self.categories["fextract"] = "feature_extractors" self.categories["fmatch"] = "feature_matchers" self.algorithms["feature_projectors"] = ("mixed",) self.algorithms["feature_matchers"] = ("BruteForce", "BruteForce-L1", "BruteForce-Hamming", "BruteForce-Hamming(2)") self.algorithms["feature_detectors"] = ("ORB", "BRISK", "KAZE", "AKAZE", "MSER", "AgastFeatureDetector", "FastFeatureDetector", "GFTTDetector", "SimpleBlobDetector") # TODO: we could also support "StereoSGBM" but it needs initialization arguments # BUG: "KAZE", "AKAZE" we get internal error when using KAZE/AKAZE even though it should be possible self.algorithms["feature_extractors"] = ("ORB", "BRISK") # other attributes self.detector = None self.extractor = None self.matcher = None # additional preparation if configure: self.__configure(reset=True) if synchronize: self.__synchronize(reset=False)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="feature", reset=False): if category not in ["feature", "fdetect", "fextract", "fmatch"]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(FeatureFinder, self).configure_backend("feature", reset=True) if category == "feature" and backend is None: backend = "mixed" elif category == "fdetect" and backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.feature_detect_backend elif category == "fextract" and backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.feature_extract_backend elif category == "fmatch" and backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.feature_match_backend if backend not in self.algorithms[self.categories[category]]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend '%s' is not among the supported ones: " "%s" % (backend, self.algorithms[self.categories[category]])) log.log(9, "Setting backend for %s to %s", category, backend) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = backend if category == "feature": # 0 for homography, 1 for fundamental matrix self.params[category]["projectionMethod"] = CVParameter(0, 0, 1, enumerated=True) self.params[category]["ransacReprojThreshold"] = CVParameter(0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 50.0) self.params[category]["minDetectedFeatures"] = CVParameter(4, 1, None) self.params[category]["minMatchedFeatures"] = CVParameter(4, 1, None) # 0 for matched/detected ratio, 1 for projected/matched ratio self.params[category]["similarityRatio"] = CVParameter(1, 0, 1, enumerated=True) elif category == "fdetect": self.params[category]["nzoom"] = CVParameter(1.0, 1.0, 10.0, 2.5) self.params[category]["hzoom"] = CVParameter(1.0, 1.0, 10.0, 2.5) import cv2 feature_detector_create = getattr(cv2, "%s_create" % backend) backend_obj = feature_detector_create() elif category == "fextract": import cv2 descriptor_extractor_create = getattr(cv2, "%s_create" % backend) backend_obj = descriptor_extractor_create() elif category == "fmatch": if backend == "in-house-region": self.params[category]["refinements"] = CVParameter(50, 1, None) self.params[category]["recalc_interval"] = CVParameter(10, 1, None) self.params[category]["variants_k"] = CVParameter(100, 1, None) self.params[category]["variants_ratio"] = CVParameter(0.33, 0.0001, 1.0, 0.25) return else: self.params[category]["ratioThreshold"] = CVParameter(0.65, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.01) self.params[category]["ratioTest"] = CVParameter(False) self.params[category]["symmetryTest"] = CVParameter(False) # no other parameters are used for the in-house-raw matching if backend == "in-house-raw": return else: import cv2 # NOTE: descriptor matcher creation is kept the old way while feature # detection and extraction not - example of the untidy maintenance of OpenCV backend_obj = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create(backend) # BUG: a bug of OpenCV leads to crash if parameters # are extracted from the matcher interface although # the API supports it - skip fmatch for now return # examine the interface of the OpenCV backend to add extra parameters if category in ["fdetect", "fextract", "fmatch"]: log.log(9, "%s %s", backend_obj, dir(backend_obj)) for attribute in dir(backend_obj): if not attribute.startswith("get"): continue param = attribute.replace("get", "") get_param = getattr(backend_obj, attribute) val = get_param() if type(val) not in [bool, int, float, type(None)]: continue # give more information about some better known parameters if category in ("fdetect", "fextract") and param == "FirstLevel": self.params[category][param] = CVParameter(val, 0, None, 100, 25) elif category in ("fdetect", "fextract") and param == "MaxFeatures": self.params[category][param] = CVParameter(val, 0, None, 100.0) elif category in ("fdetect", "fextract") and param == "WTA_K": self.params[category][param] = CVParameter(val, 2, 4, 1.0) elif category in ("fdetect", "fextract") and param == "ScaleFactor": self.params[category][param] = CVParameter(val, 1.01, 2.0, 0.25, 0.05) elif category in ("fdetect", "fextract") and param == "NLevels": self.params[category][param] = CVParameter(val, 1, 100, 25, 0.5) elif category in ("fdetect", "fextract") and param == "NLevels": self.params[category][param] = CVParameter(val, 1, 100, 25, 0.5) elif category in ("fdetect", "fextract") and param == "PatchSize": self.params[category][param] = CVParameter(val, 2, None, 100, 25) else: self.params[category][param] = CVParameter(val) log.log(9, "%s=%s", param, val)
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="feature", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. Some relevant parameters are: * detect filter - works for certain detectors and determines how many initial features are detected in an image (e.g. hessian threshold for SURF detector) * match filter - determines what part of all matches returned by feature matcher remain good matches * project filter - determines what part of the good matches are considered inliers * ratio test - boolean for whether to perform a ratio test * symmetry test - boolean for whether to perform a symmetry test See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
def __configure(self, feature_detect=None, feature_extract=None, feature_match=None, reset=True, **kwargs): self.__configure_backend(category="feature", reset=reset) self.__configure_backend(feature_detect, "fdetect") self.__configure_backend(feature_extract, "fextract") self.__configure_backend(feature_match, "fmatch")
[docs] def configure(self, feature_detect=None, feature_extract=None, feature_match=None, reset=True, **kwargs): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param feature_detect: name of a preselected backend :type feature_detect: str or None :param feature_extract: name of a preselected backend :type feature_extract: str or None :param feature_match: name of a preselected backend :type feature_match: str or None """ self.__configure(feature_detect, feature_extract, feature_match, reset)
def __synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="feature", reset=False): if category not in ["feature", "fdetect", "fextract", "fmatch"]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(FeatureFinder, self).synchronize_backend("feature", reset=True) if backend is not None and self.params[category]["backend"] != backend: raise UninitializedBackendError("Backend '%s' has not been configured yet" % backend) backend = self.params[category]["backend"] backend_obj = None if category == "feature": # nothing to sync return elif category == "fdetect": import cv2 feature_detector_create = getattr(cv2, "%s_create" % backend) backend_obj = feature_detector_create() elif category == "fextract": import cv2 descriptor_extractor_create = getattr(cv2, "%s_create" % backend) backend_obj = descriptor_extractor_create() elif category == "fmatch": import cv2 # NOTE: descriptor matcher creation is kept the old way while feature # detection and extraction not - example of the untidy maintenance of OpenCV backend_obj = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create(backend) # BUG: a bug of OpenCV leads to crash if parameters # are extracted from the matcher interface although # the API supports it - skip fmatch for now self.matcher = backend_obj return for attribute in dir(backend_obj): if not attribute.startswith("get"): continue param = attribute.replace("get", "") if param in self.params[category]: val = self.params[category][param].value set_attribute = attribute.replace("get", "set") # some getters might not have corresponding setters if not hasattr(backend_obj, set_attribute): continue set_param = getattr(backend_obj, set_attribute) set_param(val) log.log(9, "Synced %s to %s", param, val) self.params[category][param].value = val if category == "fdetect": self.detector = backend_obj elif category == "fextract": self.extractor = backend_obj elif category == "fmatch": self.matcher = backend_obj
[docs] def synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="feature", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__synchronize_backend(backend, category, reset)
def __synchronize(self, feature_detect=None, feature_extract=None, feature_match=None, reset=True): self.__synchronize_backend(category="feature", reset=reset) self.__synchronize_backend(feature_detect, "fdetect") self.__synchronize_backend(feature_extract, "fextract") self.__synchronize_backend(feature_match, "fmatch")
[docs] def synchronize(self, feature_detect=None, feature_extract=None, feature_match=None, reset=True): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param feature_detect: name of a preselected backend :type feature_detect: str or None :param feature_extract: name of a preselected backend :type feature_extract: str or None :param feature_match: name of a preselected backend :type feature_match: str or None """ self.__synchronize(feature_detect, feature_extract, feature_match, reset)
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param needle: target iamge to search for :type needle: :py:class:`Image` See base method for details. .. warning:: Finding multiple matches is currently not supported and this will currently only return a single match. Available methods are: a combination of feature detector, extractor, and matcher. """ needle.match_settings = self needle.use_own_settings = True self.imglog.needle = needle self.imglog.haystack = haystack self.imglog.dump_matched_images() import cv2 import numpy ngray = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(needle.pil_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) hgray = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(haystack.pil_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(numpy.array(haystack.pil_image)) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(numpy.array(haystack.pil_image)) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(numpy.array(haystack.pil_image)) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(numpy.array(haystack.pil_image)) # project more points for debugging purposes and image logging npoints = [] npoints.extend([(0, 0), (needle.width, 0), (0, needle.height), (needle.width, needle.height)]) npoints.append((needle.width / 2, needle.height / 2)) similarity = self.params["find"]["similarity"].value hpoints = self._project_features(npoints, ngray, hgray, similarity) if hpoints is not None and len(hpoints) > 0: from .match import Match x, y = hpoints[0] w, h = tuple(numpy.abs(numpy.subtract(hpoints[3], hpoints[0]))) # TODO: projecting offset requires more effort matches = [Match(x, y, w, h, 0, 0, self.imglog.similarities[-1])] self.imglog.log(30) return matches self.imglog.log(40) return []
def _project_features(self, locations_in_needle, ngray, hgray, similarity): """ EXTRA DOCSTRING: Feature matching backend - wrapper. Wrapper for the internal feature detection, matching and location projection used by all public feature matching functions. """ # default logging in case no match is found (further overridden by match stages) self.imglog.locations.append((0, 0)) self.imglog.similarities.append(0.0) log.debug("Performing %s feature matching (no color)", "-".join([self.params["fdetect"]["backend"], self.params["fextract"]["backend"], self.params["fmatch"]["backend"]])) nkp, ndc, hkp, hdc = self._detect_features(ngray, hgray, self.params["fdetect"]["backend"], self.params["fextract"]["backend"]) min_features = self.params["feature"]["minDetectedFeatures"].value if len(nkp) < min_features or len(hkp) < min_features: log.debug("No acceptable best match after feature detection: " "only %s\\%s needle and %s\\%s haystack features detected", len(nkp), min_features, len(hkp), min_features) return None mnkp, mhkp = self._match_features(nkp, ndc, hkp, hdc, self.params["fmatch"]["backend"]) min_features = self.params["feature"]["minMatchedFeatures"].value if self.imglog.similarities[-1] < similarity or len(mnkp) < min_features: log.debug("No acceptable best match after feature matching:\n" "- matched features %s of %s required\n" "- best match similarity %s of %s required", len(mnkp), min_features, self.imglog.similarities[-1], similarity) return None locations_in_haystack = self._project_locations(locations_in_needle, mnkp, mhkp) if self.imglog.similarities[-1] < similarity: log.debug("No acceptable best match after RANSAC projection: " "best match similarity %s is less than required %s", self.imglog.similarities[-1], similarity) return None else: self._log_features(30, self.imglog.locations, self.imglog.hotmaps[-1], 3, 0, 0, 255) return locations_in_haystack def _detect_features(self, ngray, hgray, detect, extract): """ EXTRA DOCSTRING: Feature matching backend - detection/extraction stage (1). Detect all keypoints and calculate their respective decriptors. """ nfactor = self.params["fdetect"]["nzoom"].value hfactor = self.params["fdetect"]["hzoom"].value # zoom in if explicitly set import cv2 if nfactor > 1.0: log.debug("Zooming x%i needle", nfactor) ngray = cv2.resize(ngray, None, fx=nfactor, fy=nfactor) if hfactor > 1.0: log.debug("Zooming x%i haystack", hfactor) hgray = cv2.resize(hgray, None, fx=hfactor, fy=hfactor) # include only methods tested for compatibility if (detect in self.algorithms["feature_detectors"] and extract in self.algorithms["feature_extractors"]): self.synchronize_backend(category="fdetect") self.synchronize_backend(category="fextract") # keypoints nkeypoints = self.detector.detect(ngray) hkeypoints = self.detector.detect(hgray) # feature vectors (descriptors) (nkeypoints, ndescriptors) = self.extractor.compute(ngray, nkeypoints) (hkeypoints, hdescriptors) = self.extractor.compute(hgray, hkeypoints) else: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Feature detector %s is not among the supported" "ones %s" % (detect, self.algorithms[self.categories["fdetect"]])) # reduce keypoint coordinates to the original image size for nkeypoint in nkeypoints: = (int([0] / nfactor), int([1] / nfactor)) for hkeypoint in hkeypoints: = (int([0] / hfactor), int([1] / hfactor)) log.debug("Detected %s keypoints in needle and %s in haystack", len(nkeypoints), len(hkeypoints)) hkp_locations = [ for hkp in hkeypoints] self._log_features(10, hkp_locations, self.imglog.hotmaps[-4], 3, 255, 0, 0) return (nkeypoints, ndescriptors, hkeypoints, hdescriptors) def _match_features(self, nkeypoints, ndescriptors, hkeypoints, hdescriptors, match): """ EXTRA DOCSTRING: Feature matching backend - matching stage (2). Match two sets of keypoints based on their descriptors. """ def ratio_test(matches): """ The ratio test checks the first and second best match. If their ratio is close to 1.0, there are both good candidates for the match and the probabilty of error when choosing one is greater. Therefore these matches are ignored and thus only matches of greater probabilty are returned. """ matches2 = [] for m in matches: if len(m) > 1: # smooth to make 0/0 case also defined as 1.0 smooth_dist1 = m[0].distance + 0.0000001 smooth_dist2 = m[1].distance + 0.0000001 if smooth_dist1 / smooth_dist2 < self.params["fmatch"]["ratioThreshold"].value: matches2.append(m[0]) else: matches2.append(m[0]) log.log(9, "Ratio test result is %i/%i", len(matches2), len(matches)) return matches2 def symmetry_test(nmatches, hmatches): """ Refines the matches with a symmetry test which extracts only the matches in agreement with both the haystack and needle sets of keypoints. The two keypoints must be best feature matching of each other to ensure the error by accepting the match is not too large. """ import cv2 matches2 = [] for nm in nmatches: for hm in hmatches: if nm.queryIdx == hm.trainIdx and nm.trainIdx == hm.queryIdx: m = cv2.DMatch(nm.queryIdx, nm.trainIdx, nm.distance) matches2.append(m) break log.log(9, "Symmetry test result is %i/%i", len(matches2), len(matches)) return matches2 # include only methods tested for compatibility if match in self.algorithms["feature_matchers"]: # build matcher and match feature vectors self.synchronize_backend(category="fmatch") else: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Feature detector %s is not among the supported" "ones %s" % (match, self.algorithms[self.categories["fmatch"]])) # find and filter matches through tests if match == "in-house-region": matches = self.matcher.regionMatch(ndescriptors, hdescriptors, nkeypoints, hkeypoints, self.params["fmatch"]["refinements"].value, self.params["fmatch"]["recalc_interval"].value, self.params["fmatch"]["variants_k"].value, self.params["fmatch"]["variants_ratio"].value) else: if self.params["fmatch"]["ratioTest"].value: matches = self.matcher.knnMatch(ndescriptors, hdescriptors, 2) matches = ratio_test(matches) else: matches = self.matcher.knnMatch(ndescriptors, hdescriptors, 1) matches = [m[0] for m in matches] if self.params["fmatch"]["symmetryTest"].value: if self.params["fmatch"]["ratioTest"].value: hmatches = self.matcher.knnMatch(hdescriptors, ndescriptors, 2) hmatches = ratio_test(hmatches) else: hmatches = self.matcher.knnMatch(hdescriptors, ndescriptors, 1) hmatches = [hm[0] for hm in hmatches] matches = symmetry_test(matches, hmatches) # prepare final matches match_nkeypoints = [] match_hkeypoints = [] matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.distance) for match in matches: log.log(9, match.distance) match_nkeypoints.append(nkeypoints[match.queryIdx]) match_hkeypoints.append(hkeypoints[match.trainIdx]) # these matches are half the way to being good mhkp_locations = [ for mhkp in match_hkeypoints] self._log_features(10, mhkp_locations, self.imglog.hotmaps[-3], 2, 255, 255, 0) match_similarity = float(len(match_nkeypoints)) / float(len(nkeypoints)) # update the current achieved similarity if matching similarity is used: # won't be updated anymore if self.params["feature"]["similarityRatio"].value == 0 self.imglog.similarities[-1] = match_similarity log.log(9, "%s\\%s -> %f", len(match_nkeypoints), len(nkeypoints), match_similarity) return (match_nkeypoints, match_hkeypoints) def _project_locations(self, locations_in_needle, mnkp, mhkp): """ EXTRA DOCSTRING: Feature matching backend - projecting stage (3). Calculate the projection of points from the needle in the haystack using random sample consensus and the matched keypoints between the needle and the haystack. In particular, take the locations in the need as (x,y) tuples for each point, the matched needle keypoints, and the matched haystack keypoints and return a list of (x,y) tuples of the respective locations in the haystack. Also, set the final similarity and returned location in the hotmap. .. warning:: The returned location is always the projected point at (0,0) needle coordinates as in template matching, i.e. the upper left corner of the image. In case of wild transformations of the needle in the haystack this has to be reconsidered and the needle center becomes obligatory. """ # check matches consistency assert len(mnkp) == len(mhkp) import cv2 import numpy # homography and fundamental matrix as options - homography is considered only # for rotation but currently gives better results than the fundamental matrix if self.params["feature"]["projectionMethod"].value == 0: H, mask = cv2.findHomography(numpy.array([ for kp in mnkp]), numpy.array([ for kp in mhkp]), cv2.RANSAC, self.params["feature"]["ransacReprojThreshold"].value) elif self.params["feature"]["projectionMethod"].value == 1: H, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(numpy.array([ for kp in mnkp]), numpy.array([ for kp in mhkp]), method=cv2.RANSAC, param1=10.0, param2=0.9) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported projection method - use 0 for homography and " "1 for fundamentlal matrix") # measure total used features for the projected focus point if H is None or mask is None: log.log(30, "Homography error occurred during feature matching") self.imglog.similarities[-1] = 0.0 return [] true_matches = [] for i, kp in enumerate(mhkp): # true matches are also inliers for the homography if mask[i][0] == 1: true_matches.append(kp) tmhkp_locations = [ for tmhkp in true_matches] self._log_features(20, tmhkp_locations, self.imglog.hotmaps[-2], 1, 0, 255, 0) # calculate and project all point coordinates in the needle projected = [] for location in locations_in_needle: (ox, oy) = (location[0], location[1]) orig_center_wrapped = numpy.array([[[ox, oy]]], dtype=numpy.float32) log.log(9, "%s %s", orig_center_wrapped.shape, H.shape) match_center_wrapped = cv2.perspectiveTransform(orig_center_wrapped, H) (mx, my) = (match_center_wrapped[0][0][0], match_center_wrapped[0][0][1]) projected.append((int(mx), int(my))) ransac_similarity = float(len(true_matches)) / float(len(mnkp)) if self.params["feature"]["similarityRatio"].value == 1: # override the match similarity if projectin-based similarity is preferred self.imglog.similarities[-1] = ransac_similarity log.log(9, "%s\\%s -> %f", len(true_matches), len(mnkp), ransac_similarity) self.imglog.locations.extend(projected) return projected
[docs] def log(self, lvl): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ # below selected logging level if lvl < self.imglog.logging_level: self.imglog.clear() return # logging is being collected for a specific logtype elif ImageLogger.accumulate_logging: return # no hotmaps to log elif len(self.imglog.hotmaps) == 0: raise MissingHotmapError("No matching was performed in order to be image logged") stages = ["detect", "match", "project", ""] for i, stage in enumerate(stages): if self.imglog.logging_level > 10 and stage in ["detect", "match"]: continue if self.imglog.logging_level > 20 and stage == "project": continue if stage == "": name = "imglog%s-3hotmap-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, self.imglog.similarities[-1]) else: name = "imglog%s-3hotmap-%s%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, i+1, stage) self.imglog.dump_hotmap(name, self.imglog.hotmaps[i]) self.imglog.clear() ImageLogger.step += 1
def _log_features(self, lvl, locations, hotmap, radius=0, r=255, g=255, b=255): if lvl < self.imglog.logging_level: return import cv2 for loc in locations: x, y = loc, (int(x), int(y)), radius, (r, g, b))
[docs]class CascadeFinder(Finder): """ Cascade matching backend provided by OpenCV. This matcher uses Haar cascade for object detection. It is the most advanced method for object detection excluding convolutional neural networks. However, it requires the generation of a Haar cascade (if such is not already provided) of the needle to be found. TODO: Currently no similarity requirement can be applied due to the cascade classifier API. """
[docs] def __init__(self, classifier_datapath=".", configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a CV backend using OpenCV's cascade matching options.""" super(CascadeFinder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) # additional preparation (no synchronization available) if configure: self.__configure_backend(reset=True)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="cascade", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ if category != "cascade": raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(CascadeFinder, self).configure_backend("cascade", reset=True) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = "none" self.params[category]["scaleFactor"] = CVParameter(1.1, 0.0, None, 0.1) self.params[category]["minNeighbors"] = CVParameter(3, 0, None, 1.0) self.params[category]["minWidth"] = CVParameter(0, 0, None, 100.0) self.params[category]["maxWidth"] = CVParameter(1000, 0, None, 100.0) self.params[category]["minHeight"] = CVParameter(0, 0, None, 100.0) self.params[category]["maxHeight"] = CVParameter(1000, 0, None, 100.0)
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="cascade", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param needle: target pattern (cascade) to search for :type needle: :py:class:`Pattern` See base method for details. """ needle.match_settings = self needle.use_own_settings = True self.imglog.needle = needle self.imglog.haystack = haystack self.imglog.dump_matched_images() import cv2 import numpy needle_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(needle.data_file) if needle_cascade.empty(): raise Exception("Could not load the cascade classifier properly") gray_haystack = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(haystack.pil_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) canvas = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) from .match import Match matches = [] rects = needle_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray_haystack, self.params["cascade"]["scaleFactor"].value, self.params["cascade"]["minNeighbors"].value, 0, (self.params["cascade"]["minWidth"].value, self.params["cascade"]["minHeight"].value), (self.params["cascade"]["maxWidth"].value, self.params["cascade"]["maxHeight"].value)) for (x, y, w, h) in rects: cv2.rectangle(canvas, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(canvas, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255, 0, 0), 1) dx, dy = needle.center_offset.x, needle.center_offset.y matches.append(Match(x, y, w, h, dx, dy)) self.imglog.similarities.append(self.params["find"]["similarity"].value) self.imglog.locations = [(loc.x, loc.y) for loc in matches] self.imglog.hotmaps.append(canvas) self.imglog.log(30) return matches
[docs]class TextFinder(ContourFinder): """ Text matching backend provided by OpenCV. This matcher will find a text (string) needle in the haystack, eventually relying on Tesseract or simpler kNN-based OCR, using extremal regions or contours before recognition, and returning a match if the string is among the recognized strings using string metric similar to Hamming distance. Extremal Region Filter algorithm described in: Neumann L., Matas J.: Real-Time Scene Text Localization and Recognition, CVPR 2012 """
[docs] def __init__(self, configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a CV backend using OpenCV's text matching options.""" super(TextFinder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) # available and currently fully compatible methods self.categories["text"] = "text_matchers" self.categories["tdetect"] = "text_detectors" self.categories["ocr"] = "text_recognizers" self.categories["threshold2"] = "threshold_filters2" self.categories["threshold3"] = "threshold_filters3" self.algorithms["text_matchers"] = ("mixed",) self.algorithms["text_detectors"] = ("east", "erstat", "contours", "components") self.algorithms["text_recognizers"] = ("pytesseract", "tesserocr", "tesseract", "hmm", "beamSearch") self.algorithms["threshold_filters2"] = tuple(self.algorithms["threshold_filters"]) self.algorithms["threshold_filters3"] = tuple(self.algorithms["threshold_filters"]) # other attributes self.erc1 = None self.erf1 = None self.erc2 = None self.erf2 = None self.ocr = None # additional preparation if configure: self.__configure(reset=True) if synchronize: self.__synchronize(reset=False)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="text", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ if category not in ["text", "tdetect", "ocr", "contour", "threshold", "threshold2", "threshold3"]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) elif category in ["contour", "threshold"]: ContourFinder.configure_backend(self, backend, category, reset) return elif category in ["threshold2", "threshold3"]: # simply duplicate the first threshold stage configuration threshold1 = self.params.get("threshold", None) ContourFinder.configure_backend(self, backend, "threshold", reset) self.params[category] = self.params["threshold"] if threshold1 is None: del self.params["threshold"] else: self.params["threshold"] = threshold1 return if reset: Finder.configure_backend(self, "text", reset=True) if category == "text" and backend is None: backend = "mixed" elif category == "tdetect" and backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.text_detect_backend elif category == "ocr" and backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.text_ocr_backend if backend not in self.algorithms[self.categories[category]]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend '%s' is not among the supported ones: " "%s" % (backend, self.algorithms[self.categories[category]])) log.log(9, "Setting backend for %s to %s", category, backend) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = backend if category == "text": self.params[category]["datapath"] = CVParameter("../misc") elif category == "tdetect": if backend == "east": # network input dimensions - must be divisible by 32, however currently only # 320x320 doesn't error out from the OpenCV implementation self.params[category]["input_res_x"] = CVParameter(320, 32, None, 32.0) self.params[category]["input_res_y"] = CVParameter(320, 32, None, 32.0) self.params[category]["min_box_confidence"] = CVParameter(0.8, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1) elif backend == "erstat": self.params[category]["thresholdDelta"] = CVParameter(1, 1, 255, 50.0) self.params[category]["minArea"] = CVParameter(0.00025, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.001) self.params[category]["maxArea"] = CVParameter(0.13, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.001) self.params[category]["minProbability"] = CVParameter(0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.01) self.params[category]["nonMaxSuppression"] = CVParameter(True) self.params[category]["minProbabilityDiff"] = CVParameter(0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.01) self.params[category]["minProbability2"] = CVParameter(0.3, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.01) elif backend == "contours": self.params[category]["maxArea"] = CVParameter(10000, 0, None, 1000.0, 10.0) self.params[category]["minWidth"] = CVParameter(1, 0, None, 100.0) self.params[category]["maxWidth"] = CVParameter(100, 0, None, 100.0) self.params[category]["minHeight"] = CVParameter(1, 0, None, 100.0) self.params[category]["maxHeight"] = CVParameter(100, 0, None, 100.0) self.params[category]["minAspectRatio"] = CVParameter(0.1, 0.0, None, 10.0) self.params[category]["maxAspectRatio"] = CVParameter(2.5, 0.0, None, 10.0) self.params[category]["horizontalSpacing"] = CVParameter(10, 0, None, 10.0) self.params[category]["verticalVariance"] = CVParameter(10, 0, None, 10.0) # 0 horizontal, 1 vertical self.params[category]["orientation"] = CVParameter(0, 0, 1, enumerated=True) self.params[category]["minChars"] = CVParameter(3, 0, None, 2.0) elif backend == "components": # with equal delta and tolerance we ensure that only one failure will be # allowed and no intermediary values between 4 and 8 will be selected self.params[category]["connectivity"] = CVParameter(4, 4, 8, 4.0, 4.0) elif category == "ocr": if backend in ["tesseract", "tesserocr", "pytesseract"]: # eng, deu, etc. (ISO 639-3) self.params[category]["language"] = CVParameter("eng") self.params[category]["char_whitelist"] = CVParameter(" 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrst" "uvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") # 0 original tesseract only, 1 neural nets LSTM only, 2 both, 3 anything available self.params[category]["oem"] = CVParameter(3, 0, 3, enumerated=True) # 13 different page segmentation modes - see Tesseract API self.params[category]["psmode"] = CVParameter(3, 0, 13, enumerated=True) if backend == "pytesseract": self.params[category]["extra_configs"] = CVParameter("") # TODO: there could be a decent way to change component modes self.params[category]["component_level"] = CVParameter(1, 1, 1, enumerated=True) elif backend == "tesserocr": # TODO: there could be a decent way to change component modes self.params[category]["component_level"] = CVParameter(1, 1, 1, enumerated=True) else: # 0 OCR_LEVEL_WORD, 1 OCR_LEVEL_TEXT_LINE self.params[category]["component_level"] = CVParameter(1, 0, 1, enumerated=True) # perform custom image thresholding if set to true or leave it to the OCR self.params[category]["binarize_text"] = CVParameter(False) elif backend == "hmm": # 1 NM 2 CNN as classifiers for hidden markov models (see OpenCV documentation) self.params[category]["classifier"] = CVParameter(1, 1, 2, enumerated=True) # 0 OCR_LEVEL_WORD self.params[category]["component_level"] = CVParameter(0, 0, 1, enumerated=True) # perform custom image thresholding if set to true or leave it to the OCR self.params[category]["binarize_text"] = CVParameter(True) else: # perform custom image thresholding if set to true or leave it to the OCR self.params[category]["binarize_text"] = CVParameter(True) self.params[category]["min_confidence"] = CVParameter(0, 0, 100, 25.0) # zoom factor for improved OCR processing due to higher resolution self.params[category]["zoom_factor"] = CVParameter(1.0, 1.0, 100.0, 25.0) # border size to wrap around text field to improve recognition rate self.params[category]["border_size"] = CVParameter(10, 0, 100, 25.0) # 0 erode, 1 dilate, 2 both, 3 none self.params[category]["erode_dilate"] = CVParameter(3, 0, 3, enumerated=True) # 0 MORPH_RECT, 1 MORPH_ELLIPSE, 2 MORPH_CROSS self.params[category]["ed_kernel_type"] = CVParameter(0, 0, 2, enumerated=True) self.params[category]["ed_kernel_width"] = CVParameter(1, 1, 1000, 250.0, 2.0) self.params[category]["ed_kernel_height"] = CVParameter(1, 1, 1000, 250.0, 2.0) # perform distance transform if ture or not if false self.params[category]["distance_transform"] = CVParameter(False) # 1 CV_DIST_L1, 2 CV_DIST_L2, 3 CV_DIST_C self.params[category]["dt_distance_type"] = CVParameter(1, 1, 3, enumerated=True) # 0 (precise) or 3x3 or 5x5 (the latest only works with Euclidean distance CV_DIST_L2) self.params[category]["dt_mask_size"] = CVParameter(3, 0, 5, 8.0, 2.0)
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="text", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
def __configure(self, text_detector=None, text_recognizer=None, threshold_filter=None, threshold_filter2=None, threshold_filter3=None, reset=True): self.__configure_backend(category="text", reset=reset) self.__configure_backend(text_detector, "tdetect") self.__configure_backend(text_recognizer, "ocr") self.__configure_backend(category="contour") self.__configure_backend(threshold_filter, "threshold") self.__configure_backend(threshold_filter2, "threshold2") self.__configure_backend(threshold_filter3, "threshold3")
[docs] def configure(self, text_detector=None, text_recognizer=None, threshold_filter=None, threshold_filter2=None, threshold_filter3=None, reset=True, **kwargs): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param text_detector: name of a preselected backend :type text_detector: str or None :param text_recognizer: name of a preselected backend :type text_recognizer: str or None :param threshold_filter: threshold filter for the text detection stage :type threshold_filter: str or None :param threshold_filter2: additional threshold filter for the OCR stage :type threshold_filter2: str or None :param threshold_filter3: additional threshold filter for distance transformation :type threshold_filter3: str or None """ self.__configure(text_detector, text_recognizer, threshold_filter, threshold_filter2, threshold_filter3, reset)
def __synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="text", reset=False): if category not in ["text", "tdetect", "ocr", "contour", "threshold", "threshold2", "threshold3"]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: Finder.synchronize_backend(self, "text", reset=True) if backend is not None and self.params[category]["backend"] != backend: raise UninitializedBackendError("Backend '%s' has not been configured yet" % backend) backend = self.params[category]["backend"] import cv2 datapath = self.params["text"]["datapath"].value if category == "text" or category in ["contour", "threshold", "threshold2"]: # nothing to sync return elif category == "tdetect" and backend == "east": self.east_net = cv2.dnn.readNet(os.path.join(datapath, 'frozen_east_text_detection.pb')) elif category == "tdetect" and backend == "erstat": self.erc1 = cv2.text.loadClassifierNM1(os.path.join(datapath, 'trained_classifierNM1.xml')) self.erf1 = cv2.text.createERFilterNM1(self.erc1, self.params["tdetect"]["thresholdDelta"].value, self.params["tdetect"]["minArea"].value, self.params["tdetect"]["maxArea"].value, self.params["tdetect"]["minProbability"].value, self.params["tdetect"]["nonMaxSuppression"].value, self.params["tdetect"]["minProbabilityDiff"].value) self.erc2 = cv2.text.loadClassifierNM2(os.path.join(datapath, 'trained_classifierNM2.xml')) self.erf2 = cv2.text.createERFilterNM2(self.erc2, self.params["tdetect"]["minProbability2"].value) elif category == "tdetect": # nothing to sync return elif category == "ocr": tessdata_path = os.path.join(datapath, "tessdata") if not os.path.exists(tessdata_path): tessdata_path = os.environ.get("TESSDATA_PREFIX", ".") if backend == "pytesseract": import pytesseract self.ocr = pytesseract self.ocr_config = r"--tessdata-dir %s --oem %s --psm %s " self.ocr_config %= (tessdata_path, self.params["ocr"]["oem"].value, self.params["ocr"]["psmode"].value) self.ocr_config += r"-c tessedit_char_whitelist='%s' %s" self.ocr_config %= (self.params["ocr"]["char_whitelist"].value, self.params["ocr"]["extra_configs"].value) elif backend == "tesserocr": from tesserocr import PyTessBaseAPI self.ocr = PyTessBaseAPI(path=tessdata_path, lang=self.params["ocr"]["language"].value, oem=self.params["ocr"]["oem"].value, psm=self.params["ocr"]["psmode"].value) self.ocr.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", self.params["ocr"]["char_whitelist"].value) elif backend == "tesseract": self.ocr = cv2.text.OCRTesseract_create(tessdata_path, language=self.params["ocr"]["language"].value, char_whitelist=self.params["ocr"]["char_whitelist"].value, oem=self.params["ocr"]["oem"].value, psmode=self.params["ocr"]["psmode"].value) elif backend in ["hmm", "beamSearch"]: import numpy # vocabulary is strictly related with the XML data so remains hardcoded here vocabulary = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" with open(os.path.join(datapath, 'OCRHMM_transitions_table.xml')) as f: transition_p_xml = transition_p_data ="<data>(.*)</data>", transition_p_xml.replace("\n", " ")) assert transition_p_data is not None, "Corrupted transition probability data" transition_p = numpy.fromstring(, sep=' ').reshape(62, 62) emission_p = numpy.eye(62, dtype=numpy.float64) if backend == "hmm": classifier_data = os.path.join(datapath, 'OCRHMM_knn_model_data.xml.gz') if self.params["ocr"]["classifier"].value == 1: classifier = cv2.text.loadOCRHMMClassifierNM(classifier_data) elif self.params["ocr"]["classifier"].value == 2: classifier = cv2.text.loadOCRHMMClassifierCNN(classifier_data) else: raise ValueError("Invalid classifier selected for OCR - must be NM or CNN") self.ocr = cv2.text.OCRHMMDecoder_create(classifier, vocabulary, transition_p, emission_p) else: classifier_data = os.path.join(datapath, 'OCRBeamSearch_CNN_model_data.xml.gz') classifier = cv2.text.loadOCRBeamSearchClassifierCNN(classifier_data) self.ocr = cv2.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder_create(classifier, vocabulary, transition_p, emission_p) else: raise ValueError("Invalid OCR backend '%s'" % backend)
[docs] def synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="text", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__synchronize_backend(backend, category, reset)
def __synchronize(self, text_detector=None, text_recognizer=None, threshold_filter=None, threshold_filter2=None, threshold_filter3=None, reset=True): self.__synchronize_backend(category="text", reset=reset) self.__synchronize_backend(text_detector, "tdetect") self.__synchronize_backend(text_recognizer, "ocr") self.__synchronize_backend(category="contour") self.__synchronize_backend(threshold_filter, "threshold") self.__synchronize_backend(threshold_filter2, "threshold2") self.__synchronize_backend(threshold_filter3, "threshold3")
[docs] def synchronize(self, text_detector=None, text_recognizer=None, threshold_filter=None, threshold_filter2=None, threshold_filter3=None, reset=True): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param text_detector: name of a preselected backend :type text_detector: str or None :param text_recognizer: name of a preselected backend :type text_recognizer: str or None :param threshold_filter: threshold filter for the text detection stage :type threshold_filter: str or None :param threshold_filter2: additional threshold filter for the OCR stage :type threshold_filter2: str or None :param threshold_filter3: additional threshold filter for distance transformation :type threshold_filter3: str or None """ self.__synchronize(text_detector, text_recognizer, threshold_filter, threshold_filter2, threshold_filter3, reset)
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param needle: target text to search for :type needle: :py:class:`Text` See base method for details. """ needle.match_settings = self needle.use_own_settings = True self.imglog.needle = needle self.imglog.haystack = haystack self.imglog.dump_matched_images() import cv2 import numpy text_needle = needle.value img_haystack = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) final_hotmap = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) # detect characters and group them into detected text backend = self.params["tdetect"]["backend"] log.debug("Detecting text with %s", backend) if backend == "east": text_regions = self._detect_text_east(haystack) elif backend == "erstat": text_regions = self._detect_text_erstat(haystack) elif backend == "contours": text_regions = self._detect_text_contours(haystack) elif backend == "components": text_regions = self._detect_text_components(haystack) else: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Unsupported text detection backend %s" % backend) # perform optical character recognition on the final regions backend = self.params["ocr"]["backend"] log.debug("Recognizing text with %s", backend) from .match import Match matches = [] def binarize_step(threshold, text_img): if self.params["ocr"]["binarize_text"].value: first_threshold = self.params["threshold"] self.params["threshold"] = self.params[threshold] try: text_img = self._binarize_image(text_img) finally: self.params["threshold"] = first_threshold return text_img else: return cv2.cvtColor(text_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) for i, text_box in enumerate(text_regions): # main OCR preprocessing stage border = self.params["ocr"]["border_size"].value text_img = img_haystack[max(text_box[1]-border, 0):min(text_box[1]+text_box[3]+border, img_haystack.shape[0]), max(text_box[0]-border, 0):min(text_box[0]+text_box[2]+border, img_haystack.shape[1])] factor = self.params["ocr"]["zoom_factor"].value log.debug("Zooming x%i candidate for improved OCR processing", factor) text_img = cv2.resize(text_img, None, fx=factor, fy=factor) text_img = binarize_step("threshold2", text_img) if self.params["ocr"]["distance_transform"].value: text_img = cv2.distanceTransform(text_img, self.params["ocr"]["dt_distance_type"].value, self.params["ocr"]["dt_mask_size"].value) text_img = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.asarray(text_img, dtype='uint8'), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) text_img = binarize_step("threshold3", text_img) if self.params["ocr"]["erode_dilate"].value < 3: element = cv2.getStructuringElement(self.params["ocr"]["ed_kernel_type"].value, (self.params["ocr"]["ed_kernel_width"].value, self.params["ocr"]["ed_kernel_height"].value)) if self.params["ocr"]["erode_dilate"].value in [0, 2]: text_img = cv2.erode(text_img, element) if self.params["ocr"]["erode_dilate"].value in [1, 2]: text_img = cv2.dilate(text_img, element) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(text_img) # BUG: we hit segfault when using the BeamSearch OCR backend so disallow it if backend == "beamSearch": raise NotImplementedError("Current version of BeamSearch segfaults so it's not yet available") # TODO: we can do this now with pytesseract/tesserocr but have to evaluate its usefulness #vector<Rect> boxes; #vector<string> words; #vector<float> confidences; #output =, &boxes, &words, &confidences, cv2.text.OCR_LEVEL_WORD) # redirection of tesseract's streams can only be done on the file descriptor level # sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') if backend == "pytesseract": output = self.ocr.image_to_string(text_img, lang=self.params["ocr"]["language"].value, config=self.ocr_config) logging.debug("Running pytesseract with extra command line %s", self.ocr_config) elif backend == "tesserocr": self.ocr.SetImage(PIL.Image.fromarray(text_img)) output = self.ocr.GetUTF8Text() else: stdout_fd = sys.stdout.fileno() if hasattr(sys.stdout, "fileno") else 1 stderr_fd = sys.stderr.fileno() if hasattr(sys.stderr, "fileno") else 2 null_fo = open(os.devnull, 'wb') with os.fdopen(os.dup(stdout_fd), 'wb') as cpout_fo: with os.fdopen(os.dup(stderr_fd), 'wb') as cperr_fo: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() os.dup2(null_fo.fileno(), stdout_fd) os.dup2(null_fo.fileno(), stderr_fd) output =, text_img, self.params["ocr"]["min_confidence"].value, self.params["ocr"]["component_level"].value) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() os.dup2(cpout_fo.fileno(), stdout_fd) os.dup2(cperr_fo.fileno(), stderr_fd) null_fo.close() if self.params["ocr"]["component_level"].value == 1: # strip of the new line character which is never useful output = output.rstrip() log.debug("OCR output %s = '%s'", i+1, output) similarity = 1.0 - float(needle.distance_to(output)) / max(len(output), len(text_needle)) log.debug("Similarity = '%s'", similarity) self.imglog.similarities.append(similarity) if similarity >= self.params["find"]["similarity"].value: log.debug("Text at (%s, %s) is acceptable", text_box[0], text_box[1]) self.imglog.locations.append((text_box[0], text_box[1])) x, y, w, h = text_box dx, dy = needle.center_offset.x, needle.center_offset.y cv2.rectangle(final_hotmap, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(final_hotmap, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255, 255, 255), 1) matches.append(Match(x, y, w, h, dx, dy, similarity)) matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.similarity, reverse=True) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(final_hotmap) self.imglog.log(30) return matches
def _detect_text_east(self, haystack): #:.. note:: source implementation by Adrian Rosebrock from his post: #: import cv2 import numpy img = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) char_canvas = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(haystack.pil_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) text_canvas = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(char_canvas) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(text_canvas) # resize the image to resolution compatible with the model inp_width, inp_height = (self.params["tdetect"]["input_res_x"].value, self.params["tdetect"]["input_res_y"].value) width_ratio = img.shape[1] / float(inp_width) height_ratio = img.shape[0] / float(inp_height) img = cv2.resize(img, (inp_width, inp_height)) # convert to a model-compatible input using the mean from the training inp = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(img, mean=(123.68, 116.78, 103.94), swapRB=True, crop=False) self.east_net.setInput(inp) # select two output layers for the EAST detector model respectivelly for # the output probabilities and the text bounding box coordinates output_layers = ["feature_fusion/Conv_7/Sigmoid", "feature_fusion/concat_3"] probability, geometry = self.east_net.forward(output_layers) char_canvas[:] = cv2.resize(probability[0, 0]*255.0, (char_canvas.shape[1], char_canvas.shape[0])) rects = [] for row in range(0, probability.shape[2]): row_scores = probability[0, 0, row] row_data = geometry[0, :, row] for col in range(0, probability.shape[3]): # prune out subthreshold probability of being a text if row_scores[col] < self.params["tdetect"]["min_box_confidence"].value: continue # use geometry data to get input size and rescale for final bounding box width and height h = min(row_data[0][col] + row_data[2][col], inp_height) * height_ratio w = min(row_data[1][col] + row_data[3][col], inp_width) * width_ratio # output layer dimensions are 4x smaller than the input layer dimentions (dx, dy) = (col + 1) * 4.0, (row + 1) * 4.0 # calculate the rotation angle from the prediction ouput sin, cos = numpy.sin(row_data[4][col]), numpy.cos(row_data[4][col]) # compute the starting (from ending) coordinates for the text bounding box x2 = min(dx + cos * row_data[1][col] + sin * row_data[2][col], inp_width) * width_ratio y2 = min(dy - sin * row_data[1][col] + cos * row_data[2][col], inp_height) * height_ratio # the network might give unlimited region boundaries so limit by input width/height (above) x1, y1 = x2 - w, y2 - h rect = (int(x1), int(y1), int(w), int(h)) cv2.rectangle(char_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(char_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (255, 255, 255), 1) rects.append(rect) # TODO: needed for outsourced nonmaxima supression # confidences.append(row_scores[x]) logging.debug("A total of %s possible text regions found", len(rects)) # produce a final set of nonintersecting text regions text_regions = [] # TODO: apply outsourced nonmaxima suppression as the current OpenCV # implementation is broken in the number of python2C++ called arguments # indices = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxesRotated(rects, confidences, 0.5, 0.5, 1., 0) region_queue = [[region, True] for region in rects] while True: # nothing to do for just one region if len(region_queue) < 2: break r1, flag1 = region_queue.pop(0) if not flag1: continue for r2pair in region_queue: r2, _ = r2pair # if the two regions intersect if (r1[0] < r2[0] + r2[2] and r1[0] + r1[2] > r2[0] and r1[1] < r2[1] + r2[3] and r1[1] + r1[3] > r2[1]): r1 = [min(r1[0], r2[0]), min(r1[1], r2[1]), max(r1[2], r2[2]), max(r1[3], r2[3])] # second region will no longer be considered r2pair[1] = False # first region is now merged with all intersecting regions text_regions.append(r1) for rect in text_regions: cv2.rectangle(text_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(text_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (0, 0, 255), 1) logging.debug("A total of %s final text regions found", len(text_regions)) return text_regions def _detect_text_erstat(self, haystack): import cv2 import numpy img = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) char_canvas = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) text_canvas = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(char_canvas) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(text_canvas) # extract channels to be processed individually - B, G, R, lightness, and gradient magnitude channels = list(cv2.text.computeNMChannels(img)) # append negative channels to detect ER- (bright regions over dark background) skipping the gradient channel channel_num_without_grad = len(channels)-1 for i in range(0, channel_num_without_grad): channels.append(255-channels[i]) char_regions = [] text_regions = [] # apply the default cascade classifier to each independent channel log.debug("Extracting class specific extremal regions from %s channels", len(channels)) for i, channel in enumerate(channels): # one liner for "" then "" regions = cv2.text.detectRegions(channel, self.erf1, self.erf2) logging.debug("A total of %s possible character regions found on channel %s", len(regions), i) rects = [cv2.boundingRect(p.reshape(-1, 1, 2)) for p in regions] for rect in rects: cv2.rectangle(char_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(char_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (0, 0, 255), 1) if len(regions) == 0: continue region_groups = cv2.text.erGrouping(img, channel, [r.tolist() for r in regions]) logging.debug("A total of %s possible text regions found on channel %s", len(region_groups), i) for rect in region_groups: cv2.rectangle(text_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(text_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (0, 255, 0), 1) char_regions.extend(regions) text_regions.extend(region_groups) # produce a final set of nonintersecting text regions final_regions = [] region_queue = [[region, True] for region in text_regions] while True: # nothing to do for just one region if len(region_queue) < 2: break r1, flag1 = region_queue.pop(0) if not flag1: continue for r2pair in region_queue: r2, _ = r2pair # if the two regions intersect if (r1[0] < r2[0] + r2[2] and r1[0] + r1[2] > r2[0] and r1[1] < r2[1] + r2[3] and r1[1] + r1[3] > r2[1]): r1 = [min(r1[0], r2[0]), min(r1[1], r2[1]), max(r1[2], r2[2]), max(r1[3], r2[3])] # second region will no longer be considered r2pair[1] = False # first region is now merged with all intersecting regions final_regions.append(r1) return final_regions def _detect_text_contours(self, haystack): import cv2 import numpy img = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) char_canvas = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) text_canvas = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(char_canvas) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(text_canvas) thresh_haystack = self._binarize_image(img) countours_haystack = thresh_haystack.copy() haystack_contours = self._extract_contours(countours_haystack) char_regions = [] for hcontour in haystack_contours: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(hcontour) area, ratio = cv2.contourArea(hcontour), float(w)/h if (area < self.params["contour"]["minArea"].value or area > self.params["tdetect"]["maxArea"].value or w < self.params["tdetect"]["minWidth"].value or w > self.params["tdetect"]["maxWidth"].value or h < self.params["tdetect"]["minHeight"].value or h > self.params["tdetect"]["maxHeight"].value or ratio < self.params["tdetect"]["minAspectRatio"].value or ratio > self.params["tdetect"]["maxAspectRatio"].value): log.debug("Ignoring contour with area %sx%s>%s and aspect ratio %s/%s=%s", w, h, area, w, h, ratio) continue else: cv2.rectangle(char_canvas, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(char_canvas, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 255), 1) char_regions.append([x, y, w, h]) char_regions = sorted(char_regions, key=lambda x: x[0]) # group characters into horizontally-correlated regions text_regions = [] dx, dy = self.params["tdetect"]["horizontalSpacing"].value, self.params["tdetect"]["verticalVariance"].value text_orientation = self.params["tdetect"]["orientation"].value min_chars_for_text = self.params["tdetect"]["minChars"].value for i, region1 in enumerate(char_regions): # region was already merged if region1 is None: continue chars_for_text = 0 for j, region2 in enumerate(char_regions): # region is compared to itself or to merged region if region1 == region2 or region2 is None: continue x1, y1, w1, h1 = region1 x2, y2, w2, h2 = region2 if text_orientation == 0: is_text = x2 - (x1 + w1) < dx and x1 - (x2 + w2) < dx and abs(y1 - y2) < dy and abs(h1 - h2) < 2*dy elif text_orientation == 1: is_text = y2 - (y1 + h1) < dy and y1 - (y2 + h2) < dy and abs(x1 - x2) < dx and abs(w1 - w2) < 2*dx if is_text: region1 = [min(x1, x2), min(y1, y2), max(x1+w1, x2+w2)-min(x1, x2), max(y1+h1, y2+h2)-min(y1, y2)] chars_for_text += 1 char_regions[j] = None if chars_for_text < min_chars_for_text: log.debug("Ignoring text contour with %s<%s characters", chars_for_text, min_chars_for_text) continue x, y, w, h = region1 cv2.rectangle(text_canvas, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(text_canvas, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 1) text_regions.append(region1) char_regions[i] = None return text_regions def _detect_text_components(self, haystack): import cv2 import numpy img = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) char_canvas = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) text_canvas = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(char_canvas) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(text_canvas) connectivity = self.params["tdetect"]["connectivity"].value label_num, label_img, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(img, connectivity, cv2.CV_32S) logging.debug("Detected %s component labels with centroids: %s", label_num, ", ".join([str((int(c[0]), int(c[1]))) for c in centroids])) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(label_img * 255) for i in range(label_num): x, y = stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT], stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_TOP] w, h = stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_WIDTH], stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_HEIGHT] area = stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_AREA] if area < self.params["contour"]["minArea"].value: continue else: rect = [x, y, w, h] cv2.rectangle(char_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(char_canvas, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0]+rect[2], rect[1]+rect[3]), (0, 0, 255), 1) # TODO: log here since not fully implemented self.imglog.hotmaps[-1] = cv2.normalize(label_img, label_img, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8U) self.imglog.log(30) raise NotImplementedError("The connected components method for text detection needs more labels") # TODO: alternatively use cvBlobsLib # myblobs = CBlobResult(binary_image, mask, 0, True) # myblobs.filter_blobs(325, 2000) # blob_count = myblobs.GetNumBlobs()
[docs] def log(self, lvl): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ # below selected logging level if lvl < self.imglog.logging_level: self.imglog.clear() return # logging is being collected for a specific logtype elif ImageLogger.accumulate_logging: return # no hotmaps to log elif len(self.imglog.hotmaps) == 0: raise MissingHotmapError("No matching was performed in order to be image logged") self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-1char.png" % self.imglog.printable_step, self.imglog.hotmaps[0]) self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-2text.png" % self.imglog.printable_step, self.imglog.hotmaps[1]) for i in range(2, len(self.imglog.hotmaps)-1): self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-3ocr-%stext-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, i-1, self.imglog.similarities[i-2]), self.imglog.hotmaps[i]) similarity = max(self.imglog.similarities) if len(self.imglog.similarities) > 0 else 0.0 self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, similarity), self.imglog.hotmaps[-1]) self.imglog.clear() ImageLogger.step += 1
[docs]class TemplateFeatureFinder(TemplateFinder, FeatureFinder): """ Hybrid matcher using both OpenCV's template and feature matching. Feature matching is robust at small regions not too abundant of features where template matching is too picky. Template matching is good at large feature abundant regions and can be used as a heuristic for the feature matching. The current matcher will perform template matching first and then feature matching on the survived template matches to select among them one more time. A separate (usually lower) front similarity is used for the first stage template matching in order to remove a lot of noise that would otherwise be distracting for the second stage feature matching. """
[docs] def __init__(self, configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a CV backend using OpenCV's template and feature matching.""" super(TemplateFeatureFinder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) self.categories["tempfeat"] = "tempfeat_matchers" self.algorithms["tempfeat_matchers"] = ("mixed",) if configure: self.__configure(reset=True) if synchronize: FeatureFinder.synchronize(self, reset=False)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="tempfeat", reset=False): if category not in ["tempfeat", "template", "feature", "fdetect", "fextract", "fmatch"]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) elif category in ["feature", "fdetect", "fextract", "fmatch"]: FeatureFinder.configure_backend(self, backend, category, reset) return elif category == "template": TemplateFinder.configure_backend(self, backend, category, reset) return if reset: Finder.configure_backend(self, "tempfeat", reset=True) if backend is None: backend = "mixed" if backend not in self.algorithms[self.categories[category]]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend '%s' is not among the supported ones: " "%s" % (backend, self.algorithms[self.categories[category]])) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = backend self.params[category]["front_similarity"] = CVParameter(0.7, 0.0, 1.0)
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="tempfeat", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
def __configure(self, template_match=None, feature_detect=None, feature_extract=None, feature_match=None, reset=True): self.__configure_backend(category="tempfeat", reset=reset) self.__configure_backend(template_match, "template") self.__configure_backend(category="feature") self.__configure_backend(feature_detect, "fdetect") self.__configure_backend(feature_extract, "fextract") self.__configure_backend(feature_match, "fmatch")
[docs] def configure(self, template_match=None, feature_detect=None, feature_extract=None, feature_match=None, reset=True, **kwargs): """ Custom implementation of the base methods. See base methods for details. """ self.__configure(template_match, feature_detect, feature_extract, feature_match, reset)
[docs] def synchronize(self, feature_detect=None, feature_extract=None, feature_match=None, reset=True): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ Finder.synchronize_backend(self, "tempfeat", reset=reset) FeatureFinder.synchronize(self, feature_detect=feature_detect, feature_extract=feature_extract, feature_match=feature_match, reset=False)
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. Use template matching to deal with feature dense regions and guide a final feature matching stage. """ # accumulate one template and multiple feature cases ImageLogger.accumulate_logging = True # use a different lower similarity for the template matching template_similarity = self.params["tempfeat"]["front_similarity"].value feature_similarity = self.params["find"]["similarity"].value log.debug("Using tempfeat matching with template similarity %s " "and feature similarity %s", template_similarity, feature_similarity) # class-specific dependencies import cv2 import numpy self.params["find"]["similarity"].value = template_similarity # call specifically the template find variant here template_maxima = TemplateFinder.find(self, needle, haystack) self.params["find"]["similarity"].value = feature_similarity # dump correct matching settings self.imglog.dump_matched_images() ngray = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(needle.pil_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) hgray = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(haystack.pil_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) final_hotmap = numpy.array(haystack.pil_image) frame_points = [(0, 0)] feature_maxima = [] is_feature_poor = False for i, upleft in enumerate(template_maxima): up = upleft.y down = min(haystack.height, up + needle.height) left = upleft.x right = min(haystack.width, left + needle.width) log.log(9, "Maximum up-down is %s and left-right is %s", (up, down), (left, right)) haystack_region = hgray[up:down, left:right] haystack_region = haystack_region.copy() hotmap_region = final_hotmap[up:down, left:right] hotmap_region = hotmap_region.copy() # four smaller hotmaps for the feature matching stages (draw on same image here) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(hotmap_region) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(hotmap_region) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(hotmap_region) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(hotmap_region) res = self._project_features(frame_points, ngray, haystack_region, feature_similarity) # if the feature matching succeeded or is worse than satisfactory template matching if res is not None or (self.imglog.similarities[-1] > 0.0 and self.imglog.similarities[-1] < self.imglog.similarities[i] and self.imglog.similarities[i] > feature_similarity): # take the template matching location rather than the feature one # for stability (they should ultimately be the same) log.debug("Using template result %s instead of the worse feature result %s", self.imglog.similarities[i], self.imglog.similarities[-1]) location = (left, up) self.imglog.locations[-1] = location feature_maxima.append([self.imglog.hotmaps[-1], self.imglog.similarities[-1], self.imglog.locations[-1]]) # stitch back for a better final image logging final_hotmap[up:down, left:right] = hotmap_region # if similarity is not zero but we have no result, we failed the comparison elif self.imglog.similarities[-1] == 0.0: is_feature_poor = True # if at least one match is feature poor, we cannot rely on feature matching if is_feature_poor: log.warn("Feature poor needle detected, falling back to template matching") # NOTE: this has knowledge of the internal workings of the _template_find_all # template matching and more specifically that it orders the matches starting # with the best (this is ok, since this is also internal method) # NOTE: the needle can only be feature poor if there is at lease one # template matching feature_maxima = [] for i, _ in enumerate(template_maxima): # test the template match also against the actual required similarity if self.imglog.similarities[i] >= feature_similarity: feature_maxima.append([self.imglog.hotmaps[i], self.imglog.similarities[i], self.imglog.locations[i]]) # release the accumulated logging from subroutines ImageLogger.accumulate_logging = False if len(feature_maxima) == 0: log.debug("No acceptable match with the given feature similarity %s", feature_similarity) if len(self.imglog.similarities) > 1: # NOTE: handle cases when the matching failed at the feature stage, i.e. dump # a hotmap for debugging also in this case self.imglog.hotmaps.append(final_hotmap) self.imglog.similarities.append(self.imglog.similarities[len(template_maxima)]) self.imglog.locations.append(self.imglog.locations[len(template_maxima)]) elif len(self.imglog.similarities) == 1: # NOTE: we are only interested in the template hotmap on template failure self.imglog.hotmaps.append(self.imglog.hotmaps[0]) self.imglog.log(30) return [] matches = [] from .match import Match maxima = sorted(feature_maxima, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for maximum in maxima: similarity = maximum[1] x, y = maximum[2] w, h = needle.width, needle.height dx, dy = needle.center_offset.x, needle.center_offset.y cv2.rectangle(final_hotmap, (x, y), (x+needle.width, y+needle.height), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(final_hotmap, (x, y), (x+needle.width, y+needle.height), (0, 0, 255), 1) matches.append(Match(x, y, w, h, dx, dy, similarity)) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(final_hotmap) # log one best match for final hotmap filename best_acceptable = maxima[0] self.imglog.similarities.append(best_acceptable[1]) self.imglog.locations.append(best_acceptable[2]) self.imglog.log(30) return matches
[docs] def log(self, lvl): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ # below selected logging level if lvl < self.imglog.logging_level: self.imglog.clear() return # logging is being collected for a specific logtype elif ImageLogger.accumulate_logging: return # no hotmaps to log elif len(self.imglog.hotmaps) == 0: raise MissingHotmapError("No matching was performed in order to be image logged") # knowing how the tempfeat works this estimates # the expected number of cases starting from 1 (i+1) # to make sure the winner is the first alphabetically candidate_num = int(len(self.imglog.similarities) / 2) for i in range(candidate_num): name = "imglog%s-3hotmap-%stemplate-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, i + 1, self.imglog.similarities[i]) self.imglog.dump_hotmap(name, self.imglog.hotmaps[i]) ii = candidate_num + i hii = candidate_num + i*4 + 3 #self.imglog.log_locations(30, [self.imglog.locations[ii]], self.imglog.hotmaps[hii], 4, 255, 0, 0) name = "imglog%s-3hotmap-%sfeature-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, i + 1, self.imglog.similarities[ii]) self.imglog.dump_hotmap(name, self.imglog.hotmaps[hii]) if len(self.imglog.similarities) % 2 == 1: name = "imglog%s-3hotmap-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, self.imglog.similarities[-1]) self.imglog.dump_hotmap(name, self.imglog.hotmaps[-1]) self.imglog.clear() ImageLogger.step += 1
[docs]class DeepFinder(Finder): """ Deep learning matching backend provided by PyTorch. The current implementation contains a basic convolutional neural network which can be trained to produce needle locations from a haystack image. """ _cache = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, classifier_datapath=".", configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a CV backend using OpenCV's text matching options.""" super(DeepFinder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) # available and currently fully compatible methods self.categories["deep"] = "deep_learners" self.algorithms["deep_learners"] = ("pytorch", "tensorflow") # other attributes = None # additional preparation if configure: self.__configure_backend(reset=True) if synchronize: self.__synchronize_backend(reset=False)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="deep", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ if category != "deep": raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(DeepFinder, self).configure_backend("deep", reset=True) if backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.deep_learn_backend if backend not in self.algorithms[self.categories[category]]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend '%s' is not among the supported ones: " "%s" % (backend, self.algorithms[self.categories[category]])) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = backend # "cpu", "cuda", or "auto" self.params[category]["device"] = CVParameter("auto") # number of anticipated classes (target patterns) self.params[category]["classes"] = CVParameter(91, 1, None, 1) # "fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn", "maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn" or other detection models self.params[category]["arch"] = CVParameter("fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn") # file to load pre-trained model weights from self.params[category]["model"] = CVParameter("")
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="deep", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
def __synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="deep", reset=False): if category != "deep": raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(DeepFinder, self).synchronize_backend("deep", reset=True) if backend is not None and self.params[category]["backend"] != backend: raise UninitializedBackendError("Backend '%s' has not been configured yet" % backend) backend = self.params[category]["backend"] # reuse or cache a unique model depending on arch and checkpoint model_classes = self.params[category]["classes"].value model_arch = self.params[category]["arch"].value model_checkpoint = self.params[category]["model"].value model_id = model_arch if not model_checkpoint else model_checkpoint # TODO: eventually think about using Catalyst and Keras if backend == "pytorch": # class-specific dependencies import torch import torchvision.models.detection as models # reuse weights from already loaded models to avoid one model per sync if model_id in self._cache: model = self._cache[model_id] else: # only models pretrained on the COCO dataset are available is_pretrained = model_checkpoint == "" and model_classes == 91 model = models.__dict__[model_arch](pretrained=is_pretrained, num_classes=model_classes) # load .pth or .pkl data file if pretrained model is available if model_checkpoint: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_checkpoint, map_location="cpu")) self._cache[model_id] = model device_opt = self.params[category]["device"].value if device_opt == "auto": device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") else: device = torch.device(device_opt) model.eval() = model elif backend == "tensorflow": # class-specific dependencies import tensorflow as tf tf.keras.backend.clear_session() # TODO: current TensorFlow model zoo/garden API is too unstable from research.object_detection.utils import config_util from import model_builder # TODO: the model ARCH and CHECKPOINT need extra path flexibility #tf_models_dir = 'models/research/object_detection' #model_arch = os.path.join(tf_models_dir, 'configs/tf2/ssd_resnet50_v1_fpn_640x640_coco17_tpu-8.config') #model_checkpoint = os.path.join(tf_models_dir, 'test_data/checkpoint/ckpt-0') # load pipeline config and build a detection model configs = config_util.get_configs_from_pipeline_file(model_arch) model_config = configs['model'] =, is_training=False) ckpt = tf.compat.v2.train.Checkpoint( ckpt.restore(model_checkpoint) else: raise ValueError("Invalid DL backend '%s'" % backend)
[docs] def synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="deep", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__synchronize_backend(backend, category, reset)
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Custom implementation of the base method. :param needle: target pattern (cascade) to search for :type needle: :py:class:`Pattern` See base method for details. """ needle.match_settings = self needle.use_own_settings = True self.imglog.needle = needle self.imglog.haystack = haystack self.imglog.dump_matched_images() # prepare a canvas solely for image logging full_hotmap = haystack.pil_image.copy() filtered_hotmap = haystack.pil_image.copy() final_hotmap = haystack.pil_image.copy() needle_class = similarity = self.params["find"]["similarity"].value backend = self.params["deep"]["backend"] if backend == "tensorflow": raise NotImplementedError("The TensorFlow model zoo/garden libary " "is too unstable at present") assert backend == "pytorch", "Only PyTorch model zoo/garden is supported" import torch if needle.data_file is not None: with open(needle.data_file, "rt") as f: classes_list = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()] classes = lambda x: classes_list[x] else: # an infinite list as a string identity map classes = lambda x: str(x) # set the module in evaluation mode # convert haystack data to tensor variable from torchvision import transforms img = haystack.pil_image transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()]) img = transform(img) # a bit awkward but the only current way to get the model's device device = next( # forward pass the image to obtain predictions with torch.no_grad(): pred =[img]) matches = [] from .match import Match for i in range(len(pred[0]['labels'])): label = classes(pred[0]['labels'][i].cpu().item()) score = pred[0]['scores'][i].cpu().item() x, y, w, h = list(pred[0]['boxes'][i].cpu().numpy()) rect = (int(x), int(y), int(x+w), int(y+h)) from PIL import ImageDraw draw = ImageDraw.Draw(full_hotmap) draw.rectangle(rect, outline=(255, 0, 0)) draw.text((rect[0], rect[1]), label, fill=(255, 0, 0, 0)) if score < similarity: logging.debug("Found %s has a low confidence score %s<%s, skipping", label, score, similarity) continue draw = ImageDraw.Draw(filtered_hotmap) draw.rectangle(rect, outline=(0, 255, 0)) draw.text((rect[0], rect[1]), label, fill=(0, 255, 0, 0)) if label != needle_class: logging.debug("Found %s is not %s, skipping", label, needle_class) continue logging.debug("Found %s with sufficient confidence %s at (%s, %s)", label, score, x, y) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(final_hotmap) draw.rectangle(rect, outline=(0, 0, 255)) self.imglog.locations.append((x, y)) self.imglog.similarities.append(score) dx, dy = needle.center_offset.x, needle.center_offset.y matches.append(Match(*rect, dx, dy, score)) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(full_hotmap) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(filtered_hotmap) self.imglog.hotmaps.append(final_hotmap) self.imglog.log(30) return matches
[docs] def log(self, lvl): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ # below selected logging level if lvl < self.imglog.logging_level: self.imglog.clear() return # logging is being collected for a specific logtype elif ImageLogger.accumulate_logging: return # no hotmaps to log elif len(self.imglog.hotmaps) == 0: raise MissingHotmapError("No matching was performed in order to be image logged") self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-1full.png" % self.imglog.printable_step, self.imglog.hotmaps[0]) self.imglog.dump_hotmap("imglog%s-3hotmap-2filtered.png" % self.imglog.printable_step, self.imglog.hotmaps[1]) similarity = self.imglog.similarities[-1] if len(self.imglog.similarities) > 0 else 0.0 name = "imglog%s-3hotmap-%s.png" % (self.imglog.printable_step, similarity) self.imglog.dump_hotmap(name, self.imglog.hotmaps[-1]) self.imglog.clear() ImageLogger.step += 1
[docs]class HybridFinder(Finder): """ Match a target through a sequence of differently configured attempts. This matcher can work with any other matcher in the background and with unique or repeating matchers for each step. If a step fails, the matcher tries the next available along the fallback chain or fails if the end of the chain is reached. """
[docs] def __init__(self, configure=True, synchronize=True): """Build a hybrid matcher.""" super(HybridFinder, self).__init__(configure=False, synchronize=False) # available and currently fully compatible methods self.categories["hybrid"] = "hybrid_methods" self.algorithms["hybrid_methods"] = ("autopy", "contour", "template", "feature", "tempfeat") # other attributes self.matcher = None # additional preparation if configure: self.__configure_backend(reset=True) if synchronize: self.__synchronize_backend(reset=False)
def __configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="hybrid", reset=False): if category != "hybrid": raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: # backends are the same as the ones for the base class super(HybridFinder, self).configure_backend(backend=backend, reset=True) if backend is None: backend = GlobalConfig.hybrid_match_backend if backend not in self.algorithms[self.categories[category]]: raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend '%s' is not among the supported ones: " "%s" % (backend, self.algorithms[self.categories[category]])) self.params[category] = {} self.params[category]["backend"] = backend
[docs] def configure_backend(self, backend=None, category="hybrid", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__configure_backend(backend, category, reset)
def __synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="hybrid", reset=False): if category != "hybrid": raise UnsupportedBackendError("Backend category '%s' is not supported" % category) if reset: super(HybridFinder, self).synchronize_backend("hybrid", reset=True) if backend is not None and self.params[category]["backend"] != backend: raise UninitializedBackendError("Backend '%s' has not been configured yet" % backend) backend = self.params[category]["backend"] # default matcher in case of a simple chain without own matching config if backend == "autopy": self.matcher = AutoPyFinder() elif backend == "contour": self.matcher = ContourFinder() elif backend == "template": self.matcher = TemplateFinder() elif backend == "feature": self.matcher = FeatureFinder() elif backend == "cascade": self.matcher = CascadeFinder() elif backend == "text": self.matcher = TextFinder() elif backend == "tempfeat": self.matcher = TemplateFeatureFinder() elif backend == "deep": self.matcher = DeepFinder()
[docs] def synchronize_backend(self, backend=None, category="hybrid", reset=False): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ self.__synchronize_backend(backend, category, reset)
[docs] def find(self, needle, haystack): """ Custom implementation of the base method. See base method for details. """ try: iter(needle) except TypeError: # one step chains can be of any target type log.debug("Defaulting to one step chain %s", needle) needle = [needle] for step_needle in needle: if step_needle.use_own_settings and not isinstance(step_needle.match_settings, HybridFinder): matcher = step_needle.match_settings else: matcher = self.matcher matches = matcher.find(step_needle, haystack) if len(matches) > 0: return matches return []