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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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Classes and functionality related to sought targets on screen.



import copy
import os
import re
import PIL.Image

from .config import GlobalConfig
from .location import Location
from .fileresolver import FileResolver
from .finder import *
from .errors import *

__all__ = ['Target', 'Image', 'Text', 'Pattern', 'Chain']

[docs]class Target(object): """ Target used to obtain screen location for clicking, typing, validation of expected visual output, etc. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_data_file(filename): """ Read the target type from the extension of the target filename. :param str filename: data filename for the target :returns: target of type determined from its data filename extension :rtype: :py:class:`target.Target` :raises: :py:class:`errors.IncompatibleTargetFileError` if the data file if of unknown type """ if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = FileResolver().search(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename) name, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) if extension in (".png", ".jpg"): target = Image(filename) elif extension == ".txt": target = Text(name) elif extension in (".xml", ".csv"): target = Pattern(filename) elif extension == ".steps": target = Chain(name) else: raise IncompatibleTargetFileError("The target file %s is not among any of the known types" % filename) return target
[docs] @staticmethod def from_match_file(filename): """ Read the target type and configuration from a match file with the given filename. :param str filename: match filename for the configuration :returns: target of type determined from its parsed (and generated) settings :rtype: :py:class:`target.Target` """ if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = FileResolver().search(filename) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] match_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".match" finder = Finder.from_match_file(match_filename) if finder.params["find"]["backend"] in ("autopy", "contour", "template", "feature", "tempfeat"): target = Image(filename, match_settings=finder) elif finder.params["find"]["backend"] == "text": target = Text(name, match_settings=finder) elif finder.params["find"]["backend"] in ("cascade", "deep"): target = Pattern(filename, match_settings=finder) elif finder.params["find"]["backend"] == "hybrid": target = Chain(name, match_settings=finder) return target
[docs] def __init__(self, match_settings=None): """ Build a target object. :param match_settings: predefined configuration for the CV backend if any :type match_settings: :py:class:`finder.Finder` or None """ self.match_settings = match_settings if self.match_settings is not None: self.use_own_settings = True else: if GlobalConfig.find_backend == "autopy": self.match_settings = AutoPyFinder() elif GlobalConfig.find_backend == "contour": self.match_settings = ContourFinder() elif GlobalConfig.find_backend == "template": self.match_settings = TemplateFinder() elif GlobalConfig.find_backend == "feature": self.match_settings = FeatureFinder() elif GlobalConfig.find_backend == "cascade": self.match_settings = CascadeFinder() elif GlobalConfig.find_backend == "text": self.match_settings = TextFinder() elif GlobalConfig.find_backend == "tempfeat": self.match_settings = TemplateFeatureFinder() elif GlobalConfig.find_backend == "deep": self.match_settings = DeepFinder() elif GlobalConfig.find_backend == "hybrid": self.match_settings = HybridFinder() self.use_own_settings = False self._center_offset = Location(0, 0)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Provide a constant name 'target'.""" return "target"
def get_similarity(self): """ Getter for readonly attribute. :returns: similarity required for the image to be matched :rtype: float """ return self.match_settings.params["find"]["similarity"].value similarity = property(fget=get_similarity) def get_center_offset(self): """ Getter for readonly attribute. :returns: offset with respect to the target center (used for clicking) :rtype: :py:class:`location.Location` This clicking location is set in the target in order to be customizable, it is then taken when matching to produce a clicking target for a match. """ return self._center_offset center_offset = property(fget=get_center_offset)
[docs] def load(self, filename, **kwargs): """ Load target from a file. :param str filename: name for the target file If no local file is found, we will perform search in the previously added paths. """ if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = FileResolver().search(filename) match_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".match" if os.path.exists(match_filename): self.match_settings = Finder.from_match_file(match_filename) try: self.match_settings.synchronize() except UnsupportedBackendError: # some finders don't support synchronization pass self.use_own_settings = True
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Save target to a file. :param str filename: name for the target file """ match_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".match" if self.use_own_settings: Finder.to_match_file(self.match_settings, match_filename)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Perform a copy of the target data and match settings. :returns: copy of the current target (with settings) :rtype: :py:class:`target.Target` """ selfcopy = copy.copy(self) copy_settings = self.match_settings.copy() selfcopy.match_settings = copy_settings return selfcopy
[docs] def with_center_offset(self, xpos, ypos): """ Perform a copy of the target data with new match settings and with a newly defined center offset. :param int xpos: new offset in the x direction :param int ypos: new offset in the y direction :returns: copy of the current target with new center offset :rtype: :py:class:`target.Target` """ new_target = self.copy() new_target._center_offset = Location(xpos, ypos) return new_target
[docs] def with_similarity(self, new_similarity): """ Perform a copy of the target data with new match settings and with a newly defined required similarity. :param float new_similarity: new required similarity :returns: copy of the current target with new similarity :rtype: :py:class:`target.Target` """ new_target = self.copy() new_target.match_settings.params["find"]["similarity"].value = new_similarity return new_target
[docs]class Image(Target): """ Container for image data supporting caching, clicking target, file operations, and preprocessing. """ _cache = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, image_filename=None, pil_image=None, match_settings=None, use_cache=True): """ Build an image object. :param image_filename: name of the image file if any :type image_filename: str or None :param pil_image: image data - use cache or recreate if none :type pil_image: :py:class:`PIL.Image` or None :param match_settings: predefined configuration for the CV backend if any :type match_settings: :py:class:`finder.Finder` or None :param bool use_cache: whether to cache image data for better performance """ super(Image, self).__init__(match_settings) self._filename = image_filename self._pil_image = None self._width = 0 self._height = 0 if self._filename is not None: self.load(self._filename, use_cache) # per instance pil image has the final word if pil_image is not None: self._pil_image = pil_image # per instance match settings have the final word if match_settings is not None: self.match_settings = match_settings self.use_own_settings = True if self._pil_image: self._width = self._pil_image.size[0] self._height = self._pil_image.size[1]
[docs] def __str__(self): """Provide the image filename.""" return "noname" if self._filename is None else os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self._filename))[0]
def get_filename(self): """ Getter for readonly attribute. :returns: filename of the image :rtype: str """ return self._filename filename = property(fget=get_filename) def get_width(self): """ Getter for readonly attribute. :returns: width of the image :rtype: int """ return self._width width = property(fget=get_width) def get_height(self): """ Getter for readonly attribute. :returns: height of the image :rtype: int """ return self._height height = property(fget=get_height) def get_pil_image(self): """ Getter for readonly attribute. :returns: image data of the image :rtype: :py:class:`PIL.Image` """ return self._pil_image pil_image = property(fget=get_pil_image)
[docs] def load(self, filename, use_cache=True, **kwargs): """ Load image from a file. :param str filename: name for the target file :param bool use_cache: whether to cache image data for better performance """ super(Image, self).load(filename) if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = FileResolver().search(filename) # TODO: check if mtime of the file changed -> cache dirty? if use_cache and filename in self._cache: self._pil_image = self._cache[filename] else: # load and cache image self._pil_image ='RGB') if use_cache: self._cache[filename] = self._pil_image self._filename = filename
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Save image to a file. :param str filename: name for the target file :returns: copy of the current image with the new filename :rtype: :py:class:`target.Image` The image is compressed upon saving with a PNG compression setting specified by :py:func:`config.GlobalConfig.image_quality`. """ super(Image, self).save(filename) filename += ".png" if os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] != ".png" else "", compress_level=GlobalConfig.image_quality) new_image = self.copy() new_image._filename = filename return new_image
[docs]class Text(Target): """ Container for text data which is visually identified using OCR or general text detection methods. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value=None, text_filename=None, match_settings=None): """ Build a text object. :param str value: text value to search for :param str text_filename: custom filename to read the text from :param match_settings: predefined configuration for the CV backend if any :type match_settings: :py:class:`finder.Finder` or None """ super(Text, self).__init__(match_settings) self.value = value self.filename = text_filename try: filename = self.filename if self.filename else str(self) + ".txt" self.load(filename) self.filename = filename except FileNotFoundError: # text generated on the fly is also acceptable pass
[docs] def __str__(self): """Provide a part of the text value.""" return self.value[:30].replace('/', '').replace('\\', '')
[docs] def load(self, filename, **kwargs): """ Load text from a file. :param str filename: name for the target file """ super(Text, self).load(filename) if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = FileResolver().search(filename) with open(filename) as f: self.value =
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Save text to a file. :param str filename: name for the target file """ super(Text, self).save(filename) filename += ".txt" if os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] != ".txt" else "" with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(self.value)
[docs] def distance_to(self, str2): """ Approximate Hungarian distance. :param str str2: string to compare to :returns: string distance value :rtype: float """ str1 = self.value import numpy M = numpy.empty((len(str1) + 1, len(str2) + 1), int) for a in range(0, len(str1)+1): M[a, 0] = a for b in range(0, len(str2)+1): M[0, b] = b for a in range(1, len(str1)+1): # (size_t a = 1; a <= NA; ++a): for b in range(1, len(str2)+1): # (size_t b = 1; b <= NB; ++b) z = M[a-1, b-1] + (0 if str1[a-1] == str2[b-1] else 1) M[a, b] = min(min(M[a-1, b] + 1, M[a, b-1] + 1), z) return M[len(str1), len(str2)]
[docs]class Pattern(Target): """ Container for abstracted data which is obtained from training of a classifier in order to recognize a target. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id, match_settings=None): """ Build a pattern object. :param str id: alphanumeric id of logit or label for the given pattern :param match_settings: predefined configuration for the CV backend if any :type match_settings: :py:class:`finder.Finder` or None """ super(Pattern, self).__init__(match_settings) = id self.data_file = None try: # base file name can be used as an ID for some finders like cascade base_name = str( if "." in str( else str( + ".csv" filename = FileResolver().search(base_name) self.load(filename) except FileNotFoundError: # pattern as a label from a reusable model is also acceptable pass # per instance match settings have the final word if match_settings is not None: self.match_settings = match_settings self.use_own_settings = True
[docs] def __str__(self): """Provide the data filename.""" return
[docs] def load(self, filename, **kwargs): """ Load pattern from a file. :param str filename: name for the target file """ super(Pattern, self).load(filename) if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = FileResolver().search(filename) # loading the actual data is backend specific so only register its path self.data_file = filename
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Save pattern to a file. :param str filename: name for the target file """ super(Pattern, self).save(filename) filename += ".csv" if "." not in str( else "" with open(filename, "wb") as fo: if self.data_file is not None: with open(self.data_file, "rb") as fi: fo.write(
[docs]class Chain(Target): """ Container for multiple configurations representing the same target. The simplest version of a chain is a sequence of the same match configuration steps performed on a sequence of images until one of them succeeds. Every next step in this chain is a fallback case if the previous step did not succeed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, target_name, match_settings=None): """ Build an chain object. :param str target_name: name of the target for all steps :param match_settings: predefined configuration for the CV backend if any :type match_settings: :py:class:`finder.Finder` or None """ super(Chain, self).__init__(match_settings) self.target_name = target_name self._steps = [] self.load(self.target_name)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Provide the target name.""" return self.target_name
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Provide an interator over the steps.""" return self._steps.__iter__()
[docs] def load(self, steps_filename, **kwargs): """ Load steps from a sequence definition file. :param str steps_filename: names for the sequence definition file :raises: :py:class:`errors.UnsupportedBackendError` if a chain step is of unknown type :raises: :py:class:`IOError` if an chain step line cannot be parsed """ def resolve_stepsfile(filename): """ Try to find a valid steps file from a given file name. :param str filename: full or partial name of the file to find :returns: valid path to a steps file :rtype: str """ if not filename.endswith(".steps"): filename += ".steps" if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = FileResolver().search(filename) return filename # make sure we have the correct file steps_filename = resolve_stepsfile(steps_filename) stepsfiles_seen = [steps_filename] with open(steps_filename) as f: lines = f.readlines() while lines: step = lines.pop(0) dataconfig = re.split(r'\t+', step.rstrip('\t\n')) # read a nested steps file and append to this chain if dataconfig[0].endswith(".steps"): nested_steps_filename = resolve_stepsfile(dataconfig[0]) # avoid infinite loops if nested_steps_filename not in stepsfiles_seen: stepsfiles_seen.append(nested_steps_filename) with open(nested_steps_filename) as f: lines = f.readlines() + lines continue if len(dataconfig) != 2: raise IOError("Invalid chain step line '%s'" % dataconfig[0]) data, config = dataconfig super(Chain, self).load(config) self.use_own_settings = False step_backend = self.match_settings.params["find"]["backend"] if step_backend in ["autopy", "contour", "template", "feature", "tempfeat"]: data_and_config = Image(data, match_settings=self.match_settings) elif step_backend in ["cascade", "deep"]: data_and_config = Pattern(data, match_settings=self.match_settings) elif step_backend == "text": if data.endswith(".txt"): data_and_config = Text(text_filename=data, match_settings=self.match_settings) else: data_and_config = Text(value=data, match_settings=self.match_settings) else: # in particular, we cannot have a chain within the chain since it is not useful raise UnsupportedBackendError("No target step type for '%s' backend" % step_backend) self._steps.append(data_and_config) # now define own match configuration super(Chain, self).load(steps_filename)
[docs] def save(self, steps_filename): """ Save steps to a sequence definition file. :param str steps_filename: names for the sequence definition file """ super(Chain, self).save(self.target_name) save_lines = [] for data_and_config in self._steps: config = data_and_config.match_settings step_backend = config.params["find"]["backend"] if step_backend in ["autopy", "contour", "template", "feature", "tempfeat"]: data = data_and_config.filename elif step_backend in ["cascade", "deep"]: # special case - dynamic pattern without a filename # save only the matchfile and add the corresponding line if not data_and_config.data_file: matchfile = str(data_and_config) + ".match", matchfile) save_lines.append( + "\t" + matchfile + "\n") continue data = data_and_config.data_file elif step_backend == "text": # special case - dynamic text without a filename # save only the matchfile and add the corresponding line if not data_and_config.filename: matchfile = str(data_and_config) + ".match", matchfile) save_lines.append(data_and_config.value + "\t" + matchfile + "\n") continue data = data_and_config.filename else: # in particular, we cannot have a chain within the chain since it is not useful raise UnsupportedBackendError("No target step type for '%s' backend" % step_backend) save_lines.append(data + "\t" + os.path.splitext(data)[0] + ".match\n") with open(steps_filename, "w") as f: f.writelines(save_lines)